Inspired to praise, I sang Holy! Holy! Holy Lord God Almighty!

The cardinal threw his head back and sang. Bathed in a ray of sunlight breaking through the young foliage of spring, his song lifted to the heavens, its melody surely praising his Creator.

Inspired to Praise

As the cardinal’s song wafted over the mountain hollar, I too was inspired to praise. I lifted my head towards the One who loves me and began to sing, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty …

Peace settled on my troubled heart. Sensing the warmth of the Lord’s embrace, I continued to sing, Early in the morning my song shall rise to Thee …

A tear escaped, trickling down and mixing with the song of praise on my lips — bittersweet. Salt and honey.

Inspired to praise, I continued singing, Only Thou are holy, merciful and mighty. God in three persons, blessed Trinity.

Isn’t that how life is? Especially for the child of God? Life is hard, yet our Lord makes the bitter sweet with His presence, His love, His grace, and peace. Our salty tears give way to His Truth and blend with the luscious honey of His Word, His presence … His praise.

Inspired to praise, I continued singing, Only Thou are holy, merciful and mighty. God in three persons, blessed Trinity.

I opened my eyes to see a burst of scarlet feathers lifting from the apple tree and mounting up toward the sun. My spirit leaped with desire to soar too — to climb above the fray of this old earth and rest in the promises and love of the Lord.

The rays of sunlight warmed my face. I touched my lips, sure that I could taste the luscious sweet of honey as I basked in the Spirit’s glow. As promised, He inhabited my early morning praise. As sure as the sunrise, the Lord had lifted my head, eased my burdens, and made my salty tears sweet.

God Drew Near as I Sang His Praise

Still inspired to praise, I smiled and sang, Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty. All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea …

The cardinal returned to the apple tree and I sipped on my warm cup of coffee. Both of us were now ready to start our day.



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Sweet blessings to you,