“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”
(Colossians 3:23)

I have tried to live by this verse for many years and felt led to share it with you.

It’s really quite simple, yet very profound.

When I do whatever it is I do as unto the Lord, then I am set free of others’ expectations. When I perform my tasks as unto the Lord, I find that I am able to rise above the frustrations and criticisms of people. When I do it as unto the Lord, I feel fulfilled and satisfied. Critical words still sting, but I have the opportunity to put things in perspective.

And I have an opportunity to experience God’s grace.

People are going to drive you crazy! You can never please everyone all the time – wish we could, but it ain’t gonna happen.

But now, your Heavenly Father? He’s another story. He is SO blessed by your heart and by your effort. Let this be your service to Him – a form of worship, an expression of gratitude.

And do it heartily – with all your might, full of gusto and enthusiasm! Christians should never do a job halfway. We should never live a life of mediocrity. Live it full of gusto as unto the Lord.

And keep an eye out for some of that amazing grace.

Thank You, Lord. What a joy and an honor it is to do our work as unto You, recognizing that the task was given to us by Your hand in the first place. Forgive us when we get frustrated, resentful or even fearful when the job before us becomes too much to bear. Thank You for Your grace. And thank You for Your love.