Category: Child of God

From the Sweat of My Brow Transformation Meets Glory

I struggled through the fallen limbs and briars cluttering the mountain trail. Droplets trickled down my face from the sweat of my brow, the arduous journey almost over. The ridgetop was in view — a glorious transformation in sight. Just a little farther and the struggle would be worth it.

The height would offer a magnificent view of my beloved Blue Ridge Mountains.

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The Little Foxes are Ruining the Vine, Lord. Help!

Lord, the birdsong outside my window is glorious. The simple praise of my feathered friends brings me back to the center and reminds me that You are in the details of my life, big and small. Even the little irritants — the little foxes — can be used by You for my good and Your glory.

When I keep my eyes on You, the things of earth grow dim, they lose their power over me. When I keep my eyes on You, my heart is kept in peace and thankfulness escapes my lips.

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When Crushing Burdens Meet the Hem of His Garment

Crushing heartbreak seared through my thoughts, impacting my spirit, bending me over with despair. Tears streamed with reckless abandon saturating the open pages of my Bible as I cried out to the One who loves me.

He loves me through thick and thin with more love than I can possibly imagine in my wildest dreams.

Or yours.

He loves us.

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Finding God’s Presence ~ Who is The Keeper of My Soul?

Sunshine bathed my face in warm light as I gazed at the sapphire sky of October. Peace stirred within me — a peace long sought after. I walked up the gravel drive of the country church nestled in our mountain hollar. Sitting down on the church’s top step, I wrapped my arms around my knees, intertwined my fingers, gently rocked, and thought of the Lord, the Keeper of my soul.

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Pine Needles? Mulch? Comfort? A Lesson Learned

You use everything in our life as we yield to You. Even those things that are dead or ineffecient that You cause to fall away, can be used for Your glory as we listen for Your guidance. Our lessons learned keep the roots of faith warmed during winter seasons for those who are hurting. If we yield to You. If we are willing to use our pain and struggles and lessons learned to strengthen othe

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Could the Fruit of God’s Presence Be Praise? The Story of the Maple Tree

Do I realize that God’s glory comes from within and isn’t contingent on my circumstances? The maple tree must know this because it is rejoicing with magnificent color, even though winter is coming. Do I walk in the knowledge that my life can give praise simply for who He is in the face of barren, bleak circumstances?
Paganini, a famous Italian violinist said, “Music is not in the instrument, but in the soul.”

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