I thought about the eagle this morning, how she faces the storm with abandon, not afraid of its threat, strengthened by trust.
She rises to her highest perch when the storm winds begin to blow. She rises to wait. Prepare. And watch from her loftiest of places. As the storm gets closer, the eagle locks her wings in place, ready to catch the turbulence of the wind as it roars past.
The Eagle Teaches Us How to Leap Into the Storm’s Wrath Unafraid
At the height of the storm, the eagle leaps into the storm’s wrath, spreads her wings, and soars, allowing the boiling air to lift her higher and higher until she breaks through the cloud cover into the brilliance of blue skies.
Now she is high above the storm — she can still see it, she is aware, but she is no longer affected by its destructive force.
Just as the eagle chooses to rise above the force of the storm with total abandon, so a life abandoned to God — come what may — rises to heavenly heights, safe within His arms, strengthened by trust.
Yielding. Surrendering … Trusting.

Trusting in the One in whom we have believed. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies are new every morning!
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth never faints nor is weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might, He increases strength” (Isaiah 40:28-29).
God’s ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts.
Who would ever think that waiting to catch the turbulence of a storm like a surfer catching a wave, could be the very vehicle the Lord uses to deliver us?

But then I am reminded that the Lord promises to work everything together for my good because I love Him. He promises to take what Satan meant for evil and use it for my good.
So when I trust Him — and I do, and when I find my hope in Him alone — and I do, then it makes perfect sense to perch on my loftiest place near to the heart of God, and wait. Wait on Him. Rest in Him.
Wait for the storm I sense brewing on the horizon.
Wait for the enemy’s assault that surely will come.
I Am Strengthened by Trust That God Will Carry Me
And prepare to leap into the turbulence of the storm so I can ride its power to the highest heavens. Leap with confidence, strengthened by trust — that God will carry me.
Leap with abandon fueled by trust in the One who calls me His child.
For He does all things well.

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Sweet blessings to you,