It is with great joy that I introduce you to my bestie, Marcie Bridges. This is one of those friendships that began online and blossomed into the real deal. Marcie has cried with me, schemed with me, traveled with me, and laughed with me — oh mercy! The laughter. She is affectionately known among friend circles as “Miss Pollyanna” because she can always find the silver lining in EVERYTHING.
Marcie is a very talented poet — in fact, poetry oozes out of this girl. Seriously. She included a poem at the end of her testimony that commemorates her day of surrender to the Lord.
To know Marcie is to love her. I know the words of her heart will give you strength for the journey.
Welcome to Faith Notes, Marcie!
I wanted to die.
Laying face down on the living room carpet, I cried out to God. I told Him I couldn’t do it anymore. Something had to give. Either I needed to be in heaven, or He needed to fix my situation.
On Friday morning, January 27, 2006, I surrendered myself and my situation to God. Little did I know what surrendering truly meant.
The following Sunday morning dawned chilly and just as dreary as the other days. I had no desire to attend church. My husband had left with the band he played electric guitar in to do a gig in South Carolina. Even though the girls and I would be late, I decided to go to church anyway.
After the service the girls begged me to get them doughnuts, so we made our way to the grocery store.
We never got there.
As I cruised through a yellow light there was a loud bang. The next thing I knew, our minivan was sitting in the middle of the intersection. Blood streamed from my hands. My oldest daughter was screaming. The window beside me had shattered.
Our van was a complete mess. The entire left side caved in, the left front tire…where was it? Thankfully, I was the one most hurt.
Later, I lay on a gurney in the hospital, tears sliding down my cheeks. How was I going to tell my husband what I had done?
You see, over the years I had tried my hardest to keep our finances together, but the harder I tried, the more in debt we got. By 2006, I knew we were in extreme trouble. The problem? I had been hiding it all from my husband. How would we get a new car? What would he think? I was sure he would leave me and the girls. Our marriage had been unhappy and in tangles for several years.
But I want you to know what mercy looks like.
Mercy was my husband taking me into his arms and telling me how much he loved me.
Mercy was my husband telling me he’d never leave me.
Mercy was my husband praying with me.
Mercy was him helping me—helping us—out of the enormous hole I’d put us in.
It’s been 12 years since that accident and I’m still learning lessons from it. I’m learning that God really does work all things for the good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). I’m learning He truly does supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19). I’m learning to trust Him fully, and keep my eyes focused on Him no matter what circumstance I am in.
I’m learning to praise Him, even when it’s the last thing I feel like doing.
God didn’t fix our situation overnight. It’s taken a lot of work on each of our parts to learn to trust each other again. We’ve had to rely on God to get us through each hard spot and our marriage is better than it has ever been.
Oh and that new car situation? Well, I didn’t think it was possible way back then. I was sure I would wind up with a “well used” car.
But there was one more act of mercy for God to give.
He gave me the car of my dreams (and at 250,000 miles it still runs great today!)
Dear friend, if you are in a hard situation — you think you can’t get out. All hope is lost and you may as well be dead. Think again. Go to Jesus and ask Him for help. Ask Him to bring someone in your life who can show you how to keep living. Someone who can pray with you and encourage you. Someone who will keep pointing you to Jesus.
God is good at that—bringing people into our lives at just the right time to help us through our darkest night.
People who carry mercy with them.
I was so scared, so afraid,
fear had settled in with shame
I looked for God but He was not there
I couldn’t find Him not even in prayer.
The thunder rolled, lightening flashed,
my face awash in the rain that lashed.
The emptiness so hard to bear
I clung to guilt, loneliness and despair.
Where was the One I thought would help me?
I had thought He’d cared all these years
but all I knew was a deep, dark fear.
One day it came so completely
my thoughts had blurred my sight so weak.
I knew it was the end right then
No turning back, it was finally here.
I said to God, “I can’t take it anymore!
Whatever You want, here, it is Yours.
I can’t find You so if You are there
You’re going to have to make it clear.
Don’t care how You do it, just whatever it is,
make it swift … I’m at the end of a chain,
at the end of my rope, I have no more hope.
And the way down is so far, so deep, I don’t know
where I’ll fall only You can know. If You’re there.”
It seemed to be days before I knew He was listening.
It happened so fast I didn’t know it was coming.
My strength was so gone, I cried for so long,
I knew what He had done but I just had to ask,
“Why God? Why this way?”
He said, “You told Me you wanted My help so here I am,
it may not be how you wanted it but I know what’s best.
Just trust Me right here, right now and you’ll see
what comes out of this will make you free.”
It has been several years later and free I do feel.
And oh how amazing the grace that has healed.
It didn’t happen quickly or even in a blink,
the fear has been replaced with unsurpassing peace.
My heart is so thankful, so full of love,
what a joy to know He is there up above.
Watching and waiting and letting me know
He was there all along, I just had to let go.
– Marcell Warner Bridges
©12, January 2009
More about Marcie:
Marcie Bridges is a lover of God, people, poetry, and chocolate. She is also a freelance editor. Marcie’s deepest passion is sharing her faith through poetry and is the author of Broken and Spilled Out: an offering of poetry and prayers for the hurting soul. She lives in Western N.C. with her husband, Mark, and two daughters. You can find contact Marcie through her website: or at
Book Available at:
About the Book
Are you feeling broken? Needing a place to find rest for your weary, worn out soul? Broken and Spilled Out: An Offering of Poetry and Prayers for the Hurting Soul is a collection of poems Marcie has written chronicling her journey from places of brokenness to healing. You will also find places to rest and pour out your own prayerful thoughts within the pages of this heart stirring book.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.
Sweet blessings to you,
No one could have two better friends than you! Marcie, you shared your story in such a beautiful way! It is a joy to watch you and your family grow. I love you, sweet friend! Your poetry blesses my soul!
Norma, you are our third muskateer 😀 When I first read Marcie’s story, I teared up. I’m thankful she was willing to be so transparent because it’s the transparency that helps others. And I couldn’t agree more about Marcie’s poetry. It is such a gift. Love you Norma and I’m praying for you.
When I think of how the Lord had transformed us since this took place it overwhelms me and reminds me God is always ready to redeem even the worst situations. Thank you Norma for always being here for me and encouraging my heart.
Marcie, what a powerful story. Enjoyed every line and word of this. Powerful thoughts, “God is good at that—bringing people into our lives at just the right time to help us through our darkest night. People who carry mercy with them.” Yes! And you’re one of those people, too. Thanks for carrying the mercy of Jesus. Hugs!
Marcie is definitely one of those who carries mercy with them. And love. And joy. And …. sometimes mischief 😉 She is such a blessing to me, as are you sweet friend.
Hi Karen! I believe Satan’s favorite tool in his box is to keep people feeling isolated and alone. Especially from feeling like God is present. If he can succeed in that, then he can bring us further from God. I pray you creek His powerful presence today in ways you never imagined. Thank you for your encouragement.
How encouraging, Marcie! Having been in an automobile accident I have a taste of what you experienced. I’m thankful you all were okay and that you were able to see God in every detail of the healing process. Blessings, friend!
Me, too, Cathy. Those traumas truly impact us all the days of our lives. But they also provide milestones for our faith as we remember the faithfulness of the Lord. Thank you for stopping by.
Hi Cathy! God’s faithfulness truly astounds me. I have no idea how anyone gets through live without Him. Thank you for your sweet encouraging words.
This was a wonderful testimony. I truly enjoyed it and loved the poem at the end. I think we all have been in that place and I thank God that he gives us all grace and mercy to press our way despite wanting to quit and walk away from it all. So happy you have a “but God” kind of story.
Latoya, “but God” stories are my favorites! Marcie’s poems are very stirring — makes us think. And I promise, poetry oozes out of that girl! Thanks for stopping by and encouraging her.
Hi Latoya! “But God…” Are two of my favorite words put together. His mercies are new every morning and sometimes, minute by minute. Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you, Marcie. This was very inspirational. A very powerful testimony for the Lord. Thanks for being so genuine and transparent.
Larry, thank you for stopping by and encouraging our Marcie girl.
Hi Larry! It’s absolutely amazing what God can and will do with a surrendered heart. Isn’t it? Thank you for spending a few moments with us.
What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing with us to encourage us to always believe God has our back! Your openness about this is heartwarming.
Carole, it really is inspiring. The Lord is faithful to redeem and restore, to make all things new when we trust Him. Marcie’s story touched my heart also.
Hi Carole! We tend to talk about God going before us so much I think we forgot He’s right behind us as well. When we turn around to run He’s gently pushing us on. Thank you for encouraging me.
Thank you precious friend, Nan, for giving me this opportunity. The response is overwhelming. But I have just one question… me? Mischievous? Nooo! Haha! Thank you for your faithful encouragement especially with writing. You’re my blessing as well.
(P.S. for some reason I am able to do comments using my phone!) 🙂
Yay God! I’m glad you’re able to respond now. I’ve been praying for that 😉 And YES! my little mischievous peapod sister.. you are the QUEEN at mischief. This I know 😀 Love you.
I’m sitting here trying to see through my tears, and choking back sobs…and I don’t know why…except, dear Marcie, whenever I read your poetry, your heart, I’m deeply touched by your authenticity…something I treasure in others. What a gift God has given you and Nan in one another; what a gift He has given us through your writing. Bless you!
Sandi, do you realize how precious you are? You are SO precious to the Lord and to us. You are a blessing to the Body of Christ. I cried when Marcie first sent me the article too. It’s a story many can relate to on different levels. Thank you for stopping by to encourage our Marcie girl.
Ah, dear Nan, thank you for your oh-so-loving words! I may have to fight off tears again! I am truly blessed by Marcie’s writing, and cannot help but encourage one who so clearly encourages others with her gifts. Love you, dear sister. Blessings to you and to your precious friend!
Oh Sandi, you bless my heart. So so much. You make my heart smile. 🙂
Oh, I love that Marcie! ‘You make my heart smile’ Praying that God blesses you and your ministry just as you bless us.
What a beautiful and poignant testimony of mercy, dear Marcie and Nan. I love your family photos too–just lovely.
Blessings ~ Wendy
Hi Wendy, I”m so glad you stopped by. I don’t ever want to take God’s mercy for granted. What a wonderful gift it is.