O Lord, what a wonder You are!

O Lord, what a wonder You are!

I read these words, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You” (Job 42:5).

The porch swing rocked in peaceful rhythm. My spirit stirred as I looked up from my Bible, raising it to my breast and grasping the wonder it held. I looked toward the ridge where the sun began its evening descent.

Magenta began rising above the trees. Lavender and apricot clouds tossed their petals across the wide expanse as the North Star made its appearance. Soon multitudes of stars — glistening diamonds — would make their presence known against an indigo sky.

I rocked back and forth thinking about the Lord.

He has taught me so much, and I’m forever thankful.

Through adversity and great affliction, through crushing pain and the flames of the Refiner’s Fire, I lost everything to gain Christ and the great knowledge that He truly is with me. Always …

Even when my world falls apart — especially when my world falls apart.

And that goes for you too.

Consider the majesty of our God — His magnificence, His sovereignty, the wonder of who He is. He is too great to comprehend, and yet He loves us and desires rich fellowship with us.

Isn’t that amazing?

I encourage you to sit on your porch, lounge on your deck, or lay on a quilt beneath a summer sky and consider the works of His hands.

Fix your eyes on Him, your thoughts resting in the sure place of His love.

Like Job, creation speaks to me. I’ve learned to hear His voice in the rolling thunder, to recognize His power in the electric current of a lightning strike. I’m awakened to His presence in the gentle breeze as He walks on the wings of the wind.

I recognize the glory of His heavenly places reflected in the luminous prisms of sunrise and sunset.

And I find His holiness there.

I believe you will too.

Won’t you let Him into your hurting heart.

Healing is in His hand.