“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
(1 Peter 2:9)

Chosen. Royal. Holy. Special.

These are the names God has placed on us. We belong to Him. We are His people – set apart to worship Him – set apart to walk with Him in prayer and march into battle for Him with praise on our lips.

God, the Lord Most High has CALLED us. He has CHOSEN us to be His people. In exchange,we have called Him Lord. As we step out of the darkness into His Marvelous light, lets proclaim His praise. To proclaim means to shout it from the mountaintops. To proclaim means to overflow with joy unspeakable.

To proclaim means to share His goodness and His love with others.

Picture yourself standing in His presence, His marvelous light shining brilliantly upon you. You cast a shadow that trails into the darkness you are leaving behind. It is past. He has called you out of the dark places.

You are Chosen. Royal. Holy. And you are very special to our God.

Father, Thank you for choosing us. You chose us even when we were still in darkness. Give us courage to step into Your light, leaving the past behind. Help us to realize that we are to be set apart as a holy people unto you. Help us to realize that when we proclaim Your praise, Your light dances all about us. What a beautiful image I see. I love You, Lord.