“Then Jesus spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.”
(Luke 18:1)
“Men always ought to pray and not lose heart” – don’t give up, don’t let the enemy convince you that your Heavenly Father is not interested.
Patient, persistent and persevering prayer is critical in your walk of faith.
Ben Patterson, in Deepening Your Conversation With God, says the following: “Products of a culture of instant gratification, we give up if we don’t see a fairly quick response to our prayers. But praying, like so many matters of the kingdom of God, is like farming. Imagine a farmer turning the soil, adding fertilizer, planting seeds, sprinkling a little water – then standing over the spot for a few hours, waiting for something to happen, and when no shoot comes up, walking away, shaking his head and saying, ‘Well, I guess that didn’t work.’ Farmers know better. Crops take persistent cultivation and time to yield a harvest. Like good farming, good praying demands of us a quality of character Friedrich Nietzsche called ‘ a long obedience in the same direction.'”
“A long obedience in the same direction.”
I love that!
I have often heard it said that when you think God is doing nothing, that is when he is doing the most. Remember, He has to work through us most of the time to carry out His work. When we can’t see what He is doing it is usually because He is putting all the pieces together for us.
I have a great illustration to share with you.
When my husband, David, was in seminary we were definitely living by faith. We had a three year old, four year old and a newborn. It was not unusual for us to get down to $1.50 in the bank. One day I complained, “Lord, I know you are going to come through for us – You always do – but why does it always have to be at the last minute?!”
I received a prompt reply.
“Nan, I am not the one who is late. I have to work through my people. How many times have I asked you to take some groceries to your neighbor or give someone $25.00 to which you replied, ‘Yes, Lord.’ You were excited to give but you let other things get in the way…it’s raining, the kids are napping, I can’t get there today so I’ll do it tomorrow. In the meantime, your friend is asking ME for a miracle that YOU are going to supply and three days later you finally get around to doing what I asked of you. You were part of the answered prayer that my child so desperately needed.”
Ewww…It makes sense doesn’t it?
Romans 12:12 reads, “…rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.”
Colossians 4:2, “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”
The Father hears us when we cry out to Him. Trust that. Know that. And He WILL respond. Just remember that He has to work through us. Remember also that often there are battles in the heavenlies that we know not of. Satan wants to thwart our walk with God. He wants to stop God’s intervention in our lives. And he will put up a good fight.
“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!”
As our elders have taught us, “You’ve just got to pray it through!”
“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16, The New Living Translation)
Lord, You are teaching me so much about prayer. Thank You for that. We underestimate the power of prayer and I think we try to confine it to our human understanding when it is SO much more. Open our eyes that we might see and comprehend the vast riches that prayer affords – not material riches, but spiritual riches, a union with Almighty God. You are precious Lord. We love You and desire to know You more.
I've seen so many answers to prayer…and, as human nature dictates, I have to remind myself again and again of God's faithfulness. He never fails!! We are often dragging our feet, putting things off that He's told us to do, or flat out thinking…nah, that wasn't the Lord! 🙂 But He is oooh sooo patient with us, knowing we will get there…eventually…(Soooner than later, is my prayer!! 🙂
Ohevet otach!
I love you Mid! I am so thankful for our friendship. I encouraged Carina (CarPau) to visit your site and she did. Carina is a special lady who desires to teach and write about God's grace and love. She lives in Argentina. I hope ya'll will become friends too.
Nan, this entry was great and really hit the nail on the head (again!). I'm the procrastinating type. Like Gideon, I've had moments of requesting sign after sign to really make sure it's the Lord's voice speaking. So Mid, I take your point. Really!
What really came to mind reading this entry is sth the Lord is working in me right now: I'm a keyboard witness… And that's ok. The Lord surely appreciates it when I post a blog, write an email with a Bible verse or one full of Christian values and concepts. But perhaps the Lord wants to use me in areas that are not comfortable to me.
I have some glorious moments of overwhelming zeal for witnessing where I can talk to people on the street totally unashamedly. But more often than not, I'm the "cowards for Jesus" type. It really takes a lot of insistence from the Holy Spirit for me to open my mouth and say something. Anything!
I confess before the Lord that most of my failures and the excuses I make for them result from fear of stepping outside my "comfort zone". Truth is, I'm deeply hurt by rejection when it happens. And I've yet to overcome my shyness. Well, I'm praying for Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) to take over. To use these frail frame and fill it with GRACE and POWER to overcome this weakness. I'm praying for Jeremiah's annointing, who at some point wanted to shut up… and COULDN'T! Because the Lord's voice was speaking so clearly and so burning in him that he HAD TO speak!
And thanks so much for the introduction to our mutual friend. Mid, I'll check your website today and rejoice in more of the treasures the Lord has shown you!
All the Lord requires of us is that we be willing vessels. And THAT my sweet friend, is what you are. God will grow you up in the witnessing department. When I was a new Christian, my first steps of obedience were things like making eye contact with strangers and then smiling! I kid you not!! Then it progressed to helping a stranger who was struggling with packages or something. Seriously!! I was SOOOO shy! This is how I first learned to share God's love. But, I was obedient to the small things and God led me to the bigger things. He is like that, you know 🙂