“How lovely are your dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
(Palm 84:1,2)

Do you ever feel like you fall short in your longing for the Presence of God?

I mean LONGING – yearning – aching.

That’s a tough one, isn’t it. I believe “longing to be with the Lord” just might touch a nerve. I know it does with me.

Overall, I’m fairly disciplined with studying the Word, with attending church services, with having casual conversation with the Father throughout the day. But longing? Not so much. Only on occasion.

For that I am ashamed.

Our Father’s heart is turned toward us, His children. We are the apple of His eye, His special treasure. Don’t you know He just loves for us to “sit at His feet” and listen to His gentle whispers of love? Not because we want something, but because we enjoy His company.

Oh my goodness! Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe knows us by name! His Spirit dwells within us and yet, way too often, we forget to love Him just for Who He is. As a friend of mine pointed out recently, “He becomes familiar.”

My heart is breaking as my Father sheds His glorious Light on my sin, my selfishness, my complacency. Father, forgive me.

Beloved, like me, confess your sin of familiarity or complacency before the Father. He is waiting to respond to the voice of His child crying out for His Presence.

What a glorious time of rejoicing and rejuvenation awaits.

Father, forgive us for taking You for granted, for becoming so familiar with You that we forget the miracle of Your Presence. Draw us near, Lord. Stir up our spirits within us to hunger and thirst after YOU, not what You can do for us. We love You, Lord and desire to bless You with our devotion. Praise Your Name.