My Father's arms. A sure place in uncertain days

The young girl dangled from a large tree limb, legs flailing, tongue wailing. She was stuck and terrified of hanging so far above the ground — terrified even more of letting go to slip into her father’s arms flung outstretched beneath her. Her saga on the limb, though dangerous, was a sure thing, even if she didn’t like it — though she dangled, her grasp was strong and the limb sturdy.

“Let Go and Trust Me. I Won’t Let You Fall”

But she was stuck and afraid.

Afraid to let go.

The young girl was me.

Daddy called to me from below, “Let go and trust me. I won’t let you fall.” But I didn’t believe him. I mean, I believed him, but my fear of falling was much greater.

So, I hung there and merely wished the stuckness away.

My Father called to me again. This time I let go.

My father called to me again.

I looked down at his strong hands and then looked up at the limb. My palms were growing sweaty and my muscles growing weak. I didn’t know how much longer I could stay in this place of dangling between what I knew and letting go to trust my father would catch me.

Again, I heard, “Trust me. Let go.”

And this time I did.

I’m Learning to Let Go and Trust My Father

I landed in my father’s arms and he pulled me close to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and feel his joy as he twirled in circles with me.

Once again, I am that child learning to let go and trust my Father — trust Him to catch me, to keep me from falling. Trusting Him to fill my hands with the grasp of His own once I let go of the familiar, the fear and doubts of the unknown. Trusting Him to guide my steps and guard my heart once I let go of the dangling place of stuckness.

In my Father's arms is where I want to be

This morning I read:

Wait upon Me. Let your life be as a deep, quiet pool. Let your heart rest in My hand as a bird in a nest. Let your eyes be still. Let your hands be free. For then I shall fill all your vision, and then I shall take your hands into Mine and My power shall flow forth into you. ~ Come Away My Beloved, by Frances J. Roberts

My spirit stirred within me as I read those powerful words. I cried out to the Lord, Let my hands be free that I might take Your hands in mine and know Your power. I am nothing without You, Lord. I believe. Help thou my unbelief. I trust You. Help me in my dangling moments of distrust — of those fears that embody the unknown — help me let go and fall into my Father’s arms. For this I DO know … You are faithful and true. You are merciful and kind. You are my constant in this ever-changing life and You have never failed me. I thank You for that truth.

In My Father’s Arms is My Favorite Place

At that moment, in my mind’s eye and the beating place of my heart, I let go of those things that kept me bound and began a gentle descent into my Father’s arms, outstretched and waiting for me.

My Father’s arms. A sure place.



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Sweet blessings to you,