The young girl dangled from a large tree limb, legs flailing, tongue wailing. She was stuck and terrified of hanging so far above the ground — terrified even more of letting go to slip into her father’s arms flung outstretched beneath her. Her saga on the limb, though dangerous, was a sure thing, even if she didn’t like it — though she dangled, her grasp was strong and the limb sturdy.
“Let Go and Trust Me. I Won’t Let You Fall”
But she was stuck and afraid.
Afraid to let go.
The young girl was me.
Daddy called to me from below, “Let go and trust me. I won’t let you fall.” But I didn’t believe him. I mean, I believed him, but my fear of falling was much greater.
So, I hung there and merely wished the stuckness away.
My father called to me again.
I looked down at his strong hands and then looked up at the limb. My palms were growing sweaty and my muscles growing weak. I didn’t know how much longer I could stay in this place of dangling between what I knew and letting go to trust my father would catch me.
Again, I heard, “Trust me. Let go.”
And this time I did.
I’m Learning to Let Go and Trust My Father
I landed in my father’s arms and he pulled me close to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and feel his joy as he twirled in circles with me.
Once again, I am that child learning to let go and trust my Father — trust Him to catch me, to keep me from falling. Trusting Him to fill my hands with the grasp of His own once I let go of the familiar, the fear and doubts of the unknown. Trusting Him to guide my steps and guard my heart once I let go of the dangling place of stuckness.
This morning I read:
Wait upon Me. Let your life be as a deep, quiet pool. Let your heart rest in My hand as a bird in a nest. Let your eyes be still. Let your hands be free. For then I shall fill all your vision, and then I shall take your hands into Mine and My power shall flow forth into you. ~ Come Away My Beloved, by Frances J. Roberts
My spirit stirred within me as I read those powerful words. I cried out to the Lord, Let my hands be free that I might take Your hands in mine and know Your power. I am nothing without You, Lord. I believe. Help thou my unbelief. I trust You. Help me in my dangling moments of distrust — of those fears that embody the unknown — help me let go and fall into my Father’s arms. For this I DO know … You are faithful and true. You are merciful and kind. You are my constant in this ever-changing life and You have never failed me. I thank You for that truth.
In My Father’s Arms is My Favorite Place
At that moment, in my mind’s eye and the beating place of my heart, I let go of those things that kept me bound and began a gentle descent into my Father’s arms, outstretched and waiting for me.
My Father’s arms. A sure place.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.
Sweet blessings to you,
Thank you. Needed that today. Trust Him – but…need help with that, as i choose to trust and believe.
Ps could not share it on twitter? Will try again. Thanks
I’m so thankful this ministered to you. That is an answer to prayer. Sweet blessings to you, Nan