My spirit knows what my eyes can't see: God's grace

My morning coffee gurgled and pumped, filling the kitchen with its savory aroma. While I waited, I glanced out the window toward the old apple tree. Perched on its stark branches of winter sat three cardinals, crimson feathers plumped to beat the cold while snow peppered down. I considered God’s grace abounding, falling freely on my difficult places, making everything beautiful in its time.

My Spirit Stands Firm Against the Howling Winds of Adversity While God’s Grace Peppers Down like Snow

God’s grace is truly remarkable — amazing many would say. Freely given, blanketing us in His love and care. I wish His grace were as tangible as the snowflakes falling against the harshness of this brutal winter cold, but perhaps the quickening in my spirit, the awareness of His presence is tangible evidence.

God's grace abounds

My spirit knows what my eyes cannot see.

My spirit becomes alive with the knowledge of His love and rests in the assurance of His care.

My spirit stands firm against the howling winds of adversity while His grace peppers down upon me like the snowflakes serenading the birds with their silent glory on this blustery winter morning.

I noticed their song. Even in their difficult place, while waiting for the warmth of the sun, the cardinals sang.

And the snowflakes increased.

When we praise Him in the storm, God’s grace increases — or perhaps the eyes of our hearts open to see His grace clearer, to know the gift of its presence.

God's grace abounds

Like a child dancing in the snow, tongues out trying to taste the frozen goodness, I too, want to face the winter season of my soul with joy — joy born of Him. I want to taste and see and know that the Lord is good.

Let Us Come Boldly Before His Throne of Grace

“This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” ~ Hebrews 4:15-16, NLT

… we will find grace to help us when we need it most.



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Sweet blessings to you,