In God's love letter to us, His Word, we learn of His great love and His eternal purposes in all things.

GOD’S LOVE LETTER: For you are My treasured possession. (Exodus 19:5) I know when you sit down and when you rise up. (Psalm 139:2) I am familiar with all your ways. (Psalm 139:3) For you were made in My image. (Genesis 1:27) In Me you live and move and have your being. (Acts 17:28) I knew you even before you were conceived. (Jeremiah 1:4-5) I chose you when I planned creation. (Ephesians 1:11-12) You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in My book. (Psalm 139:15-16) You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) I brought you forth on the day you were born. (Psalm 71:6) And it is My desire to lavish My love on you. (1 John 3:1) Simply because you are My child and I am your Father. (1 John 3:1) For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. (Matthew 6:31-33) My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) Because I love you with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3) (thank you Active Christianity)

God’s Love Letter, His Word

Lord, Your love is amazing. It reigns from everlasting to everlasting in the hearts of Your children. Your Word — Your love letter — proclaims Your promises to us, even when we don’t understand.

Even when life is hard, Your faithfulness is a sure place.

Trials are difficult. Afflictions from a fallen world leave us weary and worn. Doubt tries to seep in because of the lies of the enemy: if God loves you, why are you shrouded in darkness and difficulty? Is this love?

God's love letter is a treasure I cling to.

But You know what, Lord? You are teaching me that it is love because nothing comes my way without Your knowledge.

Every dark cloud holds a precious blessing just like the storm clouds bring rain to replenish the earth.

You are the light in my darkness.

You are the peace in my despair.

And Your love letter is a treasure I cling to.

In this world we will have many tribulations, but we can rejoice because You have overcome the world with its darkened corners and broken places.

God’s Love Letter Promises that All Things Work Together for Our Good

So even though I don’t like the hard places, I trust that they, too, must yield to Your authority. You tell the oceans how far they can come, and You tell the affliction how long and how much difficulty it is allowed.

That’s still hard to swallow, Lord, but I trust You completely.

Enlighten the eyes of our hearts to understand Your ways and to see things through Your eyes. A day to You is as ten thousand years to us. You have eternal purpose in all things, but we live in the here and now and want instant gratification and no suffering.

God's love letter tells me all I need to know about how much You care.

Absolutely no suffering.

We don’t like it!

BUT, in the suffering is where we find You as You press in close to carry and comfort Your child. It is where we understand You on a deeper level. And it is where we are transformed into Your image through the Potter’s hand, and purified through the Refiner’s fire.

Your ways are not our ways. Your thoughts are not our thoughts.

You are eternal.

And Your love letter tells me all I need to know about how much You care for my every need. Thank You.

In Jesus’s Name I pray,



Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at


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Sweet blessings to you,