by Nan Jones

Sitting quietly, I closed my eyes. With unveiled face I called on the Name of Jesus and beheld His glory – not the expected brilliant light and mesmerizing colors that transfuse beyond description. No. I beheld the quiet glory of His love.

“If only we knew the love of God and rested in it, our whole lives would be different.”
~Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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The Lord is teaching me to rest in His Presence, to quiet myself in His love. He is teaching me this Truth that sets me free from anxieties and fears. He is teaching me to see Him in my midst – to understand that Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe is with me every moment of every day.

Jesus is the One who made that possible.

We know that, right? But can it be that we become so familiar with the tenets of our faith that we lose its power? Can it be that our familiarity becomes a veil that keeps us from beholding the Presence of the One who loves us?

I think so.

Jesus’ death and resurrection removed the veil from our eyes and introduced us to our Father God.

“And we all, 
who with unveiled faces 
contemplate the Lord’s glory, 
are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, 
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 
~ 2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV

In His Presence is fullness of Joy.
In His Presence is peace beyond understanding.
In His Presence is acceptance, affirmation, and love.
His Presence is a tangible place. We need only remove the veil once more.


Tweetables to Encourage Others

With unveiled face I beheld the quiet glory of His love. (Click to Tweet)

His Presence is a tangible place. We need only remove the veil once more. (Click to Tweet)


If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page. I’m featuring one of my favorite people, Mark Lowry singing “Rest In The Arms.” Before the song he gives a brief testimony of learning to take God of the proverbial box. You will be blessed.