“You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great.” ~ Psalm 18:35, NKJV
How do we explain our faith, our hope, our peace when it seems our world is crumbling at our fingertips? It is amazing, isn’t it? I’m not referring to faith born of religion; I am referring to faith born of relationship with Jesus – our Redeemer, Counselor, Savior, and Lord. I am referring to a moment by moment knowledge that we are not alone, that we are shielded, held and loved by an amazing God.
Life comes at us hard. Bad things happen to good people.
But in the midst of the pain, joy abounds – joy that makes absolutely no sense. Hope rises when the world tells us there is no way – impossible. Peace flows over us like the sweet perfumed oil that anointed our Savior’s feet. His grace calls to us. It rescues us from our despair.
Natalie Grant sings, “It’s like the sun is shining when the rain is pouring down… It’s like the breath of Jesus is right here in this room.”
What a lovely thought.
God’s Presence surrounds us, protects us, comforts us. He is our defender. He is our God and we are His people. We belong to Him.
Precious reader, let us speak these truths into our lives: God is for us. He loves us. He is El Roi, the God who sees. He is Elohim, the Creator of the universe – and yet, He knows us by name. He hides us beneath the shadow of His wings until the calamity passes by. His tenderness heals our broken hearts.
And this Holy God – this awesome God – made a way for us to know Him intimately.
That way is immeasurable love poured out in a crimson flood upon a barren hill called Mount Calvary.
That way? His name is Jesus.
Father, It is so hard to explain what I feel right now. Things have been so difficult and yet You have held me every step of the way. You have never failed me, never abandoned me. You, Lord, are the Great God. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your Presence. I ask that You show Yourself strong in the lives of my readers. Let them feel Your breath upon their heart. Fill them with joy overflowing and hope that knows no bounds. Thank You Lord for Your goodness. We love You and we give You praise.
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If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page and feel your faith arise as Natalie Grant sings, “In Better Hands”. Sweet blessings to each of you!
I recently discovered your words to be true. Faith is not a relationship, rathey r a relationship with Jesus. My relationship with Jesus grows daily. Hourly even. My motto was "I have to go to Heaven when I die because I am living a life in hell." Even though I live each day in torment, I hold my relationship with Jesus in my heart. Nan, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have that intimate relationship. You have ministered to be through your words, actions, love, compassion and wisdom. Thanks for not giving up on me. You are so precious to me. I love you, always.
Oh, baby girl…I love you and I'm so proud of you. It thrills me to watch your faith come alive as you realize more and more that you are loved by the Creator of the Universe. Wow! Pretty cool, huh? Thank you for your kind words 🙂