Outside my window, the morning frenzy began as multiple sparrows dined at the feeder. They sang. They bickered. They feasted. Worship music saturated the atmosphere of my home as I began my day with Jesus. The Goodness of God began to play: “I love You, Lord. For Your mercy never fails me. All my days I’ve been held in Your hands … “
A Message Was in the Sparrows
I noticed the bickering and chattering had been replaced with silence. Opening my eyes, I glanced at the birdfeeder. I was stunned. All along the iron rods of two shepherd-hook poles, sparrows stood facing the window, their heads cocked, listening. Still. Quiet.
Could it be my feathered friends recognized the presence of God as He inhabited my praises? Their awareness strengthened my own awareness that the Lord was drawing near. Awe filled my heart as these tiny creatures stood in reverence to our God.
“Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice!
Let the sea and everything in it shout His praise!
Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy!
Let the trees of the forest sing for joy.” ~ Psalm 96:11-12, NLT
“Everything on earth will worship You;
they will sing Your praises,
shouting Your Name in glorious songs.” ~ Psalm 66:4, NLT
“Jesus replied, ‘I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!’” ~ Luke 19:40, AMP
When I consider the magnificence of the Lord, my heart is overwhelmed. To think that all of creation praises Him is astounding! And to realize that if I don’t cry out in praise, the rocks will, for our God deserves all praise.
Holy! Holy! Holy is the Lord!
The song continued, “All my life You have been faithful. All my life You have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God.”
“Be Still Before Me,” Says the Lord
Shortly after the song ended, the sparrows returned to their feeding frenzy, but oh my goodness … what a sight to behold when they stood still and honored our King.
Be still before Me, says the Lord, and remember that I am God.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.
Sweet blessings to you,
That was my response too. I was stunned as I watched them stand all in a row quietly, reverently. I hope I never forget it. Thank you for stopping by.
Brenda, thank you so much for stopping by. You are precious to me.