Tag: 1 Peter 5:7

A Prayer When Worry Takes Your Breath away

Lord, I need Your peace — YOU are my peace. Please make Your presence known to me. In Your presence is unspeakable joy, resounding peace, and my worry melts away. In Your presence I am safe and secure — I am held by Your warm embrace and I can rest.

What a mighty God You are! You hung the stars in place. You tell the ocean how far it can come and on each new day, You make the sun burst through the darkness. What amazes me the most about You, though, is that when I am troubled and overcome by worry, You know and You respond.

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Learn to Cast Your Cares With Confidence and Delight

The fly fisherman leaned back, ripples of river swirling around his knees. A glint of sunlight skipped across the water at the awakening of the dawn. Raising his fishing rod strategically upward, sideways, and a little bit backwards, he snapped his wrist and released the reel.

The whirling sound of fishing-line-set-free filled the air. It soared over the river, arching in the gentle breeze. The lure hit the water’s surface, carried by a specialized weighted line, sinking into the depths seeking its target.

I wonder if this is what it means to”cast your cares” on the Lord? Maybe what it looks like from a heart’s perspective?

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When Crushing Burdens Meet the Hem of His Garment

Crushing heartbreak seared through my thoughts, impacting my spirit, bending me over with despair. Tears streamed with reckless abandon saturating the open pages of my Bible as I cried out to the One who loves me.

He loves me through thick and thin with more love than I can possibly imagine in my wildest dreams.

Or yours.

He loves us.

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A Prayer When It Takes All You’ve Got to Cast Your Care on Him

Lord, Your goodness and grace sustain me. Your faithfulness undergirds me and fills me with the courage to face each day — peace to rise above what this world throws my way.

Teach me to really cast my cares on You because they are too great for me to carry.

Through Your Word, remind me who You are: my Way-Maker, Miracle-Worker, my Provider, and Protector. You are my Peace, my Strong-Tower, my Refuge, and Redeemer. You are my God and You are for me, not against me.

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