Tag: 2 Corinthians 3:18 meaning

Be Found in Me, Lord. Transform Me Into Your Likeness

Father, I often feel so much like Paul: the things I don’t want to do, I do! And the things I do want to do, I don’t. Oh, wretched one that I am. Please forgive me. My flesh is a real mess sometimes. But, thank God … I walk close enough to You to realize it. And to desire even more for You to transform me into Your likeness so I might glorify You.

The battle between flesh and blood is real, hard, and sometimes painful as I confront those things in my heart that are not of You … there is a cost to discipleship. Sanctification truly resembles a fire some days — a Refiner’s fire making all things beautiful, a Refiner’s fire that burns away the dross and works on making me holy as You are holy. For this I’m thankful.

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From the Sweat of My Brow Transformation Meets Glory

I struggled through the fallen limbs and briars cluttering the mountain trail. Droplets trickled down my face from the sweat of my brow, the arduous journey almost over. The ridgetop was in view — a glorious transformation in sight. Just a little farther and the struggle would be worth it.

The height would offer a magnificent view of my beloved Blue Ridge Mountains.

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