Tag: devotions about being thirsty for God

A Shadow of Remembrance is Hidden, but Not from God

Sweat dripped profusely after two hours of weeding my flower gardens. I left nothing hidden, not a shadow of remembrance from those despicable weeds. Nothing. I wiped my brow with a cold cloth and plopped onto my porch swing. A gentle breeze passed by. A glass of ice-cold water quenched my thirst.

But my body wasn’t the only thing thirsty. So was my spirit. It had been a long while since I had lapped with abandon at the river of Living Water.

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Neglected Geranium, Crusty Soil, and Life Restored

My geranium sat neglected. Difficult life circumstances had taken priority and now the once lush and bountiful geranium looked … sad. Yellowed leaves edged in crumbly brown. Flowers, once plentiful, now barely raised their heads in search of their missing container-mates.

The soil had become crusty. Hard. Void of life-sustaining nutrients.

Much like a child of God finding herself in a desert wilderness at the base of the mountain, rather than soaring from its peak.

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