Tag: Does God really love me

Your Unfailing Love, Lord, Will Never Walk Away

Lord, O Lord, You are Jehovah tsidkenu — the Lord my righteousness. Without You, there is no righteousness. Without You there is no redemption, no cleansing of the heart to prepare room for Your indwelling Holy Spirit. You are my Abba Father whose unfailing love will never walk away from me.

Be born in me, Lord. Make my heart Your Bethlehem.

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Persevere in the Strength of the Lord, Dear One

While sitting beneath the old shade tree, I considered the task at hand, the trials all about me, and the need to persevere in the strength of the Lord. I closed my eyes and entered into the world of daydream.

I imagined myself as a small child wandering along a mountain trail listening to the melody of the birds. Trees swayed to the rhythm of the wind and drank from the stream that ribboned its way through the natural paradise.

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