Tag: goldfinches

A Chorus of Birdsong Strengthened My Weary Soul

Their voices rose in a wave of praise, a celebration of the new day. Trills. Chirping. A melody rode along the chorus of birdsong coming from the lush greens of the apple tree. My feathered friends weren’t visible, but I recognized their praise.

Life had been hard. My soul grew weary from the relentless battles and my heart ached to hear from the Lord.

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Yeshua and Sounds of Worship in the Quiet of Morning

I raised the window to let in the fresh morning air. The sound of worship filled my quiet space where I meet with Jesus each morning. The singers and instruments were in Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives. Their song evolved into, “Yeshua, Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory forever, amen. Yeshua … ”

I joined in worship and let my thoughts focus on Jesus, the Savior of my soul. Tension released and peace steadied my heart.

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