Tag: how does God carry my burdens

God, You are the Burden-Bearer, Not the Burden-Giver

Lord, You are high and lifted up, You are Lord over all the earth! You are mighty, filled with wonder and power and yet You are tender towards Your children You are the Burden-Bearer, not the Burden-Giver.

My burdens are great. Many I know are heavy-laden with burdens of the heart and by the struggles this fallen world creates.

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When Crushing Burdens Meet the Hem of His Garment

Crushing heartbreak seared through my thoughts, impacting my spirit, bending me over with despair. Tears streamed with reckless abandon saturating the open pages of my Bible as I cried out to the One who loves me.

He loves me through thick and thin with more love than I can possibly imagine in my wildest dreams.

Or yours.

He loves us.

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Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

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