Tag: how does God rescue me?

Life is Hard, but God Pulls Us from the Enemy Chaos

Sometimes when life is hard and disappointing, it’s hard to understand where God is in the mix — it’s hard to put the spiritual into the physical.

But then along comes King David in the Psalms.

He gives me the tangible reality of God’s presence and the explosive passion for His child in need, especially when life is hard.

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Where Is God In My Darkest Night When Pain Overwhelms?

Out from hidden recesses of my heart — those wounds too deep for words — tears flowed. Totally unexpected. Thoughts pummeled me. Where is God in my darkest night?

My daily walk offers a wonderful time to spend with Jesus, walking, singing, talking. This particular day, leaves crunched to the rhythm of my steps while an October blue sky sheltered me from above.

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