Tag: how does God transform me

From the Sweat of My Brow Transformation Meets Glory

I struggled through the fallen limbs and briars cluttering the mountain trail. Droplets trickled down my face from the sweat of my brow, the arduous journey almost over. The ridgetop was in view — a glorious transformation in sight. Just a little farther and the struggle would be worth it.

The height would offer a magnificent view of my beloved Blue Ridge Mountains.

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A Prayer to be Set Apart for God When Life Feels Like a Mess

O Lord, You are my God. You are my Redeemer, my Counselor, my Prince of Peace. You are my Savior and my Lord. I yearn to be set apart for Your glory — to be a light in the darkness, the sweet aroma of Christ for those I encounter along the way.

These are the desires of my heart.

But my life feels like a mess.

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