Tag: how to recognize God in my difficult place

Am I Complacent, Lord? Surely Not! Say It Ain’t So

Lord, You are my everything, my all-in-all. I love to tell Your story, to be an instrument of Your peace. But somedays, all of my focus turns back on myself and I don’t want to put forth the effort to walk this journey of faith. Am I complacent, Lord? Is this how You see me?

I don’t want to be complacent.

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God, You are the Burden-Bearer, Not the Burden-Giver

Lord, You are high and lifted up, You are Lord over all the earth! You are mighty, filled with wonder and power and yet You are tender towards Your children You are the Burden-Bearer, not the Burden-Giver.

My burdens are great. Many I know are heavy-laden with burdens of the heart and by the struggles this fallen world creates.

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When Lack of Peace Oozes Into the Night

The night was filled with tossing and turning, framed by restless thoughts. The day had been challenging with many difficult situations causing my lack of peace to ooze into my night.

Rising before dawn, I grabbed a strong cup of coffee and stared out the window at the dark shroud of night — that magical time just before the rising of the sun. The earth lay still. Peaceful. Immersed in the sound of silence.

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Be at Peace With All Men … But It’s So Frustrating! ~ Prayer

Lord, You are the Prince of Peace, Your peace is within me. I need only to access it, to yield to its authority if I want to be at peace with all men, and women, and the crazy people inhabiting this earth.

People have gone crazy! I’m sure You are wounded by this, too. And angry. Your holy anger has to be simmering.

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