Tag: what does it is well with my soul mean?

How to Have a Thankful Heart in the Difficult Places

The evening sky burned with the fiery orange of a setting sun, reflecting the anguish within me. I watched as God’s consuming fire seemed to melt away the hard edges of the day. Colors intense. Brilliant. Ablaze. I found myself caught up in its glory while I wrestled with how to have a thankful heart in my difficult places.

My wrestling led me to the Lord.

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It is Well With My Soul Whispers Along the River’s Edge

Out of the blue, my spirit began to sing — not out loud, but like the still, small voice of the Lord, When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, “It is well … it is well with my soul.”

I zeroed in on “peace like a river ATTENDETH my way.”

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