Tag: what is the battle between flesh and spirit?

Be Found in Me, Lord. Transform Me Into Your Likeness

Father, I often feel so much like Paul: the things I don’t want to do, I do! And the things I do want to do, I don’t. Oh, wretched one that I am. Please forgive me. My flesh is a real mess sometimes. But, thank God … I walk close enough to You to realize it. And to desire even more for You to transform me into Your likeness so I might glorify You.

The battle between flesh and blood is real, hard, and sometimes painful as I confront those things in my heart that are not of You … there is a cost to discipleship. Sanctification truly resembles a fire some days — a Refiner’s fire making all things beautiful, a Refiner’s fire that burns away the dross and works on making me holy as You are holy. For this I’m thankful.

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I Want to Love You, Lord, With All of My Heart

Father, when I consider the work of Your hands and the beauty of Your heart, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Your love is amazing, Your power to handle the impossible is mind-boggling. And yet, this is all second nature to You because this is who You are. I want to love You with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength — with everything that I am.

But I don’t want my declaration of love to be mere rhetoric. I want to be consumed by You. I want to be overwhelmed with my love for You.

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Why Am I Despairing, Lord, If I Find My Hope in You?

Lord, You are Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, and my Prince of Peace. You are my everything. So why am I despairing if I find my hope in You? This battle …

This battle between flesh and spirit is hard. I stand firm on Your promises, I know Your Word is true, but when I allow my mind to wander and my focus to settle on the difficult places … well, despair slinks in.

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