Be Found in Me, Lord. Transform Me Into Your Likeness
Father, I often feel so much like Paul: the things I don’t want to do, I do! And the things I do want to do, I don’t. Oh, wretched one that I am. Please forgive me. My flesh is a real mess sometimes. But, thank God … I walk close enough to You to realize it. And to desire even more for You to transform me into Your likeness so I might glorify You.
The battle between flesh and blood is real, hard, and sometimes painful as I confront those things in my heart that are not of You … there is a cost to discipleship. Sanctification truly resembles a fire some days — a Refiner’s fire making all things beautiful, a Refiner’s fire that burns away the dross and works on making me holy as You are holy. For this I’m thankful.
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