Tag: what is the oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness?

When Lack of Peace Oozes Into the Night

The night was filled with tossing and turning, framed by restless thoughts. The day had been challenging with many difficult situations causing my lack of peace to ooze into my night.

Rising before dawn, I grabbed a strong cup of coffee and stared out the window at the dark shroud of night — that magical time just before the rising of the sun. The earth lay still. Peaceful. Immersed in the sound of silence.

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I Need a Breakthrough Lord. Rescue Me From Sadness

Lord, the Christmas bells are still ringing, twinkling lights still dot the landscape. Sanctuaries still announce Your birth with red, gold, and silver raiment laced through the evergreens, and yet a spirit of heaviness weighs me and many others down. I need a breakthrough of joy, Lord. Rescue me from this sadness.

It has no rhyme or reason — this sadness. It just is. Perhaps it’s an accumulation of sadness — sorrow upon sorrow until now it is beginning to consume me.

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