“O Lord our God, masters besides You have had dominion over us; But by You only we make mention of Your Name.”
(Isaiah 26:11)
Oh. My. Goodness. Are you finding that the Lord is taking you deeper and deeper in your walk with Him? I definitely am.
And that’s a good thing.
Not necessarily an easy thing.
But a good thing. Maybe even a glorious thing.
The context of this verse is within the realm of captivity. The Israelites had been oppressed and controlled by the kings of Babylon for a very long time. Isaiah is praying to Jehovah Elohim, the self-existent, eternal Lord and Supreme God – the Creator of the Universe.
That is a mouthful, but consider its meaning.
Isaiah is recognizing the Lord’s sovereignty, authority and Lordship over His people.
Isaiah acknowledges that the Israelites have had many masters over them, but none can compare to THE Master. He goes on to say, “But by You only we make mention of your Name.” ‘To make mention of Your Name’ is zakar (zaw-kar’) in Hebrew and means to be mindful, to remember, commemorate, to celebrate the very essence of Who God is.
I love how The New Living Translation reads, “O Lord our God, others have ruled us, but You alone are the One we worship.”
Isn’t that beautiful?
And its very clear in its meaning.
As the Lord takes us deeper in our faith He begins to reveal to us things that we allow to take precedence over Him. Remember, the Scripture tells us that He is a Jealous God (Exodus 20:5). Not only does He desire that we recognize His Lordship, He wants us to be set free from the things that hold us captive – those things that separate us from a Holy God! I personally believe that His jealousy is rooted in His incredible love for us, His desire to be with us in a close relationship. His holiness dictates that we strive towards righteousness – not self-righteousness, but HIS righteousness so that we can walk hand and hand with Him, so that we can bask in the Glory of His Presence.
In Beth Moore’s book, Praying God’s Word Day by Day, she offers a beautiful prayer concerning these issues. I would like to close this message with her prayer.
“O Lord our God, other lords besides You have ruled over me, but Your name alone is the one I want to honor. Please help me understand that these sins and addictions have been terrible and destructive rulers in my life. Help me cease to honor them. Help me see them like a bed too short to stretch out on and a blanket too narrow to wrap around me. Help me accept the truth that the objects of my sinful desires are not enough! Father, Your Word tells me that anyone who trusts in You will never be put to shame. How I celebrate that the time has come to put all shame behind me!”
Amen? Amen.
The deeper the Lord takes me, the more He turns up the heat in order to skim off the dross!!
How privileged we are to know the Lord and to honor HIS name and His Name only!!
Yes! The refiner's fire, the pruner's shears! But praise God, the outcome – the reward – is a close, intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. It can't get any better than that!