The Offering: How to Emerge from Shattered Faith
The Offering: How to Emerge from Shattered Faith is for the one crumbling beneath crushing emotional pain. Unthinkable circumstances have severely challenged your faith. You question how God could allow this to happen, and for what purpose. And yet, deep within, your spirit cries out for God to reveal Himself to you once again and restore the intimate love you once shared.
The Offering will take you on a journey of healing — not an easy, instantaneous journey, but one wrought with raw emotion and hard questions. Nan Jones will lead you to gather up the broken pieces of your faith, come to terms with your pain, and find restoration for your soul.
What Others Are Saying About The Offering
“The Offering is an exquisitely written book that gently leads the reader to a place of clinging once again to the unparalleled love of God. You’ll want to purchase extra copies to give away.” ~ Carol Kent, Founder and Executive Director of Speak Up Ministries
“What I appreciate most about The Offering is it doesn’t offer simplistic answers or platitudes. Instead, the book acknowledges the complexity and depth of the struggle and offers a compassionate and hopeful perspective on what it means to walk through the valley of the shadow of doubt.” ~ Rev. David Blackburn, Director of Missions Ashe Baptist Association
“Nan Jones vulnerably shares her own story of devastating pain and loss and takes readers by the hand so they know they aren’t alone. Take Nan’s hand in one of yours and this book in the other. You’ll be forever changed.” ~ Dr. Michelle Bengston, author of the award-winning book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises and host of Your Hope Filled Perspective podcast.
The Perils of A Pastor’s Wife
When pastors and their wives step out in ministry, the perfect storm for spiritual warfare begins, but many are not prepared for the battles. They haven’t entered ministry with an agenda. They have entered with a pure heart wanting only to serve God and His people.
Nan Jones learned to rely on God’s faithfulness when self-righteous pew warmers whispered behind her back. When her knees ached from prayers of protection for her familyand home, she chose to serve God and rest in His love. In The Perils of A Pastor’s Wife, Nan offers a hand to hold, aha moments of healing, and soul-strengthening biblical insight. If you’re a pastor’s wife struggling with your calling, Nan presents a lifeline of hope and encouragement. As a wife and mother, she offers wisdom for the many roles the pastor’s wife plays.
The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife lets you know that somewhere, somehow, someone knows what you are going through.
What Others are Saying About The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife
I so appreciate Nan Jones’ heart for pastors’ wives. Every chapter of The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife expresses that tender heart so sweetly. And each chapter takes us right to God’s Word — exactly what we need for finding wisdom, comfort, and victory in our calling as ministers’ wives.” ~ Rhonda Rhea, TV host, and author of Join the Insanity: Crazy-Fun Life in the Pastors’ Wives Club
The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife speaks life into weary souls who, day in and day out, stand beside their pastor-husband and engage in the battle with him. Her words will bring needed rest for many souls. If you’re married to a pastor, read this book. If you’re considering marrying a pastor, oh, please, read this book. As for the rest of you, please buy a copy for your pastor’s wife. I promise it will be an answer to prayer.”
~ Athena Dean Holtz, author, speaker, radio personality, publisher, and pastor’s wife
In The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife, Nan Jones comes clean about her experience in the ministry. She embraces the reader like an encouraging girlfriend in ministry, highlighting why we do what we do while not downplaying the difficult parts. She gets it — this life of ministry. The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife reveals the life lesson Nan has learned over and over again — that people will let us down, but God is faithful, and there’s freedom in living life for an audience of One. If you’ve ever felt like no one understood what your life is like in ministry, this book is for you.” ~ Kathy Carlton Willis, pastor’s wife, speaker, and multi-published auth0r, including Grin with Grace