“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God in Him I will trust.”
Who is the Almighty? I know – your answer is God. But I mean, WHO is the Almighty? The Hebrew word is ‘El Shaddai'(El Shad-dye) which means ‘all-sufficient One’or’life-sustainer’. If God is the One who sustains my life, then He is the One who knows ALL my needs. Nothing is too difficult for Him.
But how do I access this life sustaining power? By DWELLING in His secret place, by ABIDING under His shadow. This means I am hunkering down so close to Him that I can hear His heart beating; I am in a relationship so intimate that we speak throughout the day, I feast on His lovely and powerful Word -DAILY! It means I take time to KNOW Him and I allow Him to KNOW me.
Is He Almighty God to you? Step into that Shadow, the one near to His heart. Peace, joy, mercy – whatever you need – waits for you there.
Father, thank you for Your love, for Your provision. Help me to understand that You have a secret place that only those closest to you can find. I want to hear Your heartbeat.
What a wonderful way to start the day by recognizing and submitting to God's wonderful, awesome, powerful love!! I look forward to worshiping with you each morning and to feeling God's heartbeat!! Love you!! Gladys
Thank you, Gladys. I treasure your friendship and prayers.
Thanks for sharing this. I agree, this is a great way to start the day!
Thank you friend. It's because of Jesus and you. Ilove you.