Category: Uncategorized

Like a Tapestry Pattern, I Trudged Along on Repeat

I pulled the hood on my jacket closer to ward off the chill in the air. Like a tapestry pattern repeating over and over, my footsteps trudged along our mountain road. My daily walk with Jesus is consistent, predictable, and beautiful.

And lately, beneath each step, a tangled mess of heartbreak and often frustration appears — just like the underside of a tapestry.

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God, You are in the Midst of Us. Open Our Eyes to See

Father, Your love has lifted me from the pit of miry clay. You have set me on high — safe and secure in Your arms, for You are a strong tower for me. In Your presence is where I want to be — I need to be. You are in the midst of us. We need only to open our eyes to see You. Teach us to look for Your fingerprints all about us.

You have taught me to abide in You as You abide in me. You have taught me that it is in You that we live and move and have our being. So why am I anxious?

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Dappled Light Flickered as God Offered Me Reassurance

The cold wind swirled around me, sudden gusts pushing me along the gravel road. Dry meadow grass swayed and bowed at the wind’s command. Dappled light flickered beneath the forest’s canopy up ahead.

I had been walking a while, thinking perhaps too much, questioning the ways of the Lord — not with accusations, but with a heartfelt desire to understand.

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Help Me Stand Firm in the Storms of Adversity, Lord

Mighty are You, O God! You are all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present in unimaginable ways. You are my refuge and strength. Help me stand firm in the storms of adversity, for they are plentiful and grow harsher by the day.

Although the battles are relentless, Your grace has been sufficient … Your presence, my refuge. Therefore I will not fear.

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Wind Ceased, Revealing the Beauty of Its Occurring

The morning woke with peace after a brutally cold night magnified by a howling wind. Snowflakes peppered down, covering the barren earth of winter with a soft blanket of white. Tucking my legs beneath me, I nestled into the corner of the couch, gripped a warm cup of coffee, and watched out the window as morning broke through the darkness.

A cardinal robed in scarlet perched on the edge of our bird feeder. As he feasted on sunflower seeds, large snowflakes fell. Soft. Gentle … cascading all about him.

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Help Me Remember You are the One True, Living God

Father, You are Elohim Chayim, the Living God, the everlasting One. Before the earth was formed, You were. You are Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End — all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present.

You have been our dwelling place through all generations and now we are Yours. Through the Blood of Jesus, You have made us Your temple. You walk with us, and You talk with us — we are Your people, and You are our God.

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Fires, Earthquakes, Floods … Be Merciful, O God

Father, I know You are trustworthy and worthy of all praise. I know You are sovereign … You are merciful and kind, faithful and true. You are who You say You are — I know because I know You and I have walked with You for over fifty years. That’s a long time to know Someone.

However, I must say, that even though I am secure in Your love, world events are unsettling, especially the natural disasters. Floods, fires, earthquakes … they have been anything but natural. They are epic. And I believe they have spiritual roots.

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Can the Ache of Wilderness Become a Sacred Space?

As the frigid arctic air blasted its way across our mountains, I shivered and turned even further into myself. The past few weeks had been hard, demanding … emotional. I wasn’t comfortable in this wilderness place. The bitter cold only served to reinforce my wayward thoughts.

““The wilderness is an unpleasant place, fleshly speaking. We naturally want prosperity, health, and easy-going. But the same God who created the garden also created the wilderness … “

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Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God. Renew Me

Father, You are holy, merciful, and mighty. I desire to abide in Your presence, to be ever-aware of Your Spirit drawing near in my times of need. However, when my heart is cluttered with bad attitudes and less-than-righteous decisions, there is a break in our fellowship. Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Above all things, I must guard my heart against the world’s influences and the temptations and taunts of the evil one. I even need to guard my heart against myself!

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I Am a Polished Arrow Hidden in Your Quiver, Lord

Father, You equip and prepare us for our assignments, each fitted to our gifts, talents, and personalities. Together we build the Kingdom of God here on earth — we are soldiers in the army of our King. I am an arrow in Your hand, hidden there for safekeeping. Through trials and tribulation, I have become a polished arrow smooth and sleek, ready for battle.

Or so the Scripture says.

And though I’m ready, it seems that You have hidden me away in Your quiver until the appointed time. Times of waiting are hard.

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When Life is Hard and Joy is Distant, There is Jesus

Lord, I cannot believe it’s time once again to celebrate Your birth — to rejoice in the moment You came to earth so we could know You. How can it be? Miracle of miracles! Immanuel. God with us. Hallelujah! For When life is hard and joy is distant, there is Jesus. Never failing. Always abiding.

Though weary of life’s struggles, I want to rejoice in You — I choose to rejoice in You — for You are my God and I love You.

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