Fibromyalgia cannot destroy the goodness of God.

Fibromyalgia cannot destroy the goodness of God.

Fibromyalgia has connected many of us, drawing us close in search of a listening ear and understanding heart. Nancy Alexander is one of these friends. Her newly released book, My Journey Through Fibromyalgia describes in detail the destructive force fibromyalgia can be, but she doesn’t leave her reader there. Nancy shares the faithfulness of God to carry her through these turbulent waters and gives hope to others who are coming to terms with their own battles. She has learned to find the nearness of God when she needed Him the most.

Welcome to Faith Notes, Nancy!

Describe a time when you felt abandoned by God or very disappointed in Him, thinking He had failed you.

 A few times in my life, I’ve felt disappointed, not necessarily because I felt like God had failed me, but because He was silent. He wasn’t answering my prayers. This was during the particularly hard spells of fibromyalgia when I was bedridden or barely functioning. I would cry out to him, and I didn’t see anything improve, so I assumed He wasn’t listening. I thought I wasn’t doing something right, although I didn’t know what.

During this time, how was your faith-walk impacted? Were you angry? Fearful? Numb? Doubtful? 

I think I experienced all those emotions. I didn’t turn my back on God. In fact, I tried even harder, jotting down Bible verses and trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I felt rejected more than anything.

Now, years later, I see that God was right there with me, giving me strength, often times protecting me, and even at times giving me opportunities to rest. Instead, I chose to work harder during those times, which often led me right back to the bed.

What happened to resolve your faith crisis? How did God reveal Himself to you during this time? 

As a spiritually immature person suffering great pain, I couldn’t see through the fog I was in. It wasn’t until years later as I reflected back over those decades of bad health that I saw God’s hand in my life. He gave me courage when I had none. He gave me respite when I would be at the end of myself and ready to give up.

 What scripture became a sure place for you?

2 Corinthians 12:9 talks about God’s grace being sufficient. I’ve learned and lived this in my life. When all else was falling apart around me, and inside me, God’s grace kept me going, even when I didn’t necessarily recognize it at the time.

Did praise play a part of your faith restoration? What about thankfulness? Is praise a big part of your faith-walk now?

Praise is everything to me now! Oh, how I wish it had been in the early years when I was so sick. God has been so good to me. My health is better. I enjoy my children and grandchildren. My marriage has been restored and is better than ever.

How do you find God’s peace when you are troubled?

I rest on His promises, Bible verses like 2 Corinthians 12:9 and Matthew 11:28 where Jesus says to come to him all who are weary and heavy-laden and he will give them rest. I’ve found this to be true so many times. God’s peace will get you through even the toughest of times.

What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of the Lord and why? 

It is “faithful.” Many times when pain made it so easy to wander away from God’s path, it was always His faithfulness to love and guide me that kept me going. Even when I didn’t recognize it was there. God’s strong, loving arms were always holding me; guiding each and every step.

Could you offer some encouraging words for those who may be seeking the Lord, those wanting to draw closer to Him and trust Him more, especially during a painful season?

God is always there, watching over us, even when you don’t “feel” like he is. Trust his nature, the promises he’s made, and the times he’s come through for you before. King David often did this in the Psalms when he was discouraged. God is always working for our good. Psalms 34:18 says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” I can testify to this firsthand.

If you have marriage problems, health problems, family problems—turn to Jesus. He wants to restore broken lives and give you comfort. My book “My Journey Through Fibromyalgia: Rumors, Ravages & The Rescue” is all about restoration, not just health but marriage and family. When life is at its worst, that’s when Jesus does his best work. My life is a testament to that.


More About Nancy:

Nancy Alexander

Nancy Alexander

Owner of Ladybug Wreaths, Nancy Alexander is a master wreath designer, having sold many thousands of wreaths all over the world. An author of instructional and business books, Nancy’s latest wreath design book, Make Your Own Wreaths: For Any Occasion in Any Season was published last year and is available online and in craft stores like Hobby Lobby. More than anything, she loves her role as wife to Steve, mother of Andy and Matt, and “Mimi” to her grandchildren.

For twenty-five years, Nancy Alexander battled a mysterious illness without a diagnosis. Despite spells of total debilitation and hospitalizations with no answers, she managed to fight through and raise two sons and create a successful business.

Like many marriages where chronic illnesses are at the forefront, Nancy’s suffered. This is her story of fighting the medical system to receive a diagnosis and to not only save her marriage to Steve but restore it to a place of joy. Years of rumors from doctors and friends, the ravages on her body from disease, and the rescue in the form of a doctor and nutritionist culminated into a place of wellness that Nancy now shares with her readers. Though she didn’t always know it during her journey, God’s hand guided and protected her and Steve. Nancy’s story will uplift and encourage those with chronic illness that answers are worth fighting for, and God’s strength is sufficient on even the worse days.

“My Journey Through Fibromyalgia: Rumors, Ravages & The Rescue” is available on Amazon.

Nancy’s Website: Ladybug Wreaths

Follow Nancy:

Twitter: @LadyBugWreaths



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