“I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, AND established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth – Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord.”
(Psalm 40:1-3)

I appreciate the subtitle to this passage: Faith Persevering in Trial.

Trials are universal – everybody has them.
Faith is a choice.
Persevering faith is a bigger choice.

The first thought that comes to mind is that David persevered in his faith because he didn’t push the Lord away. He acknowledged the Lord in the midst of his trial. He prayed. And then David waited on a Sovereign God.

And the Lord in Whom David trusted came through with deliverance.

Do you know what else I see? Verse two ways, “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit (been there, done that), out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, AND established my steps.”

After deliverance God did not leave David just standing there high and dry on a rock. No! The Lord then established his steps. He gave David direction, purpose.

And I believe God gave him favor. To me, that’s what happens when God establishes our steps. He gives us favor, divine appointments, grace to meet the challenges ahead…He puts all the pieces of the puzzle together.

And then He puts a new song in our mouth, just as He did for David.

I’ll bet David danced before His Lord while he sang a happy tune!

Praise You, Father. Praise You for Your deliverance, for Your faithfulness to Your children. Praise You for lifting us up out of the miry clay, setting our feet upon a rock and THEN establishing our steps. Thank You, Lord. Thank You for helping us plod along, even when the going gets touch. Thank You for hearing us when we call and setting us free from the snare of the enemy that has trapped us in the pit. You are mighty to save, Lord and worthy to be praised. I love You, Lord.