Be still. Cease striving. And remember that He is God.

Be still. Cease striving. And remember that He is God.

Lord, I’m so tense. Everything feels balled up in a tight knot — it’s awful! I feel like the gerbil racing inside her wheel running incessantly trying to avoid an internal explosion.

You keep speaking to me about striving.

You, Lord tell me to be still. Cease striving, and remember that You are God and that You are faithful. You are patient and kind. Merciful and good. And You hold every moment of my everyday in Your capable hands and weave a beautiful tapestry. I thank You for that vision Lord. Help me remember that. Help me focus on You and You alone. Help me be diligent, disciplined, courageous.

I want to step out of the boat and walk toward You, but the waves are slapping against me. The sky is dark and threatening, and the wind howls at me with its taunts and mockery. And rather than being courageous and full of faith, I want to cover my eyes and weep and make it all go away.

But then I think of You, and Your glory floods the darkened corners of my mind and brings me peace. For that I am thankful.

I trust in Your sovereignty. Please forgive me for when I take my eyes off You and trust in my own strength. You, Lord, are faithful to me. Bless You Lord.

I lift others to You who need to fall back into Your arms and rest too. Those who need to sit awhile with You and let the world pass them by. Bring their thoughts captive to You as they cast down all imaginations that lead them astray, causing their eyes to fall from Your beautiful face. Fill them with courage. Diligence. Discipline, and vision.

Help all of us find contentment with our place in the Body of Christ and seek to fulfill our role with passion and endurance, no matter how big or small, no matter how hard, no matter how fierce the battle ensues that would keep us from our calling.

Lord, thank You for hearing us when we cry out to You. You are an awesome God. We love you, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,



Please don’t carry your burden alone. I would be honored to pray for you.

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