Category: prayer

You Call Me to Rest in You, Lord. I will…I Promise

Lord, I can sense Your Spirit stirring in me, I can hear Your delicate whisper calling me to come. You call me to rest in You, Lord and I want to. But it will be just a minute. I can’t rest yet … but I will. I promise.

I know I need to. I know I am thirsty, depleted … exhausted. I know I need to sit with You and drink from Your living water. That’s why You call me to rest …

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I’m Groping in the Dark God. Where is Your Hand?

Lord, You said, “Seek My face,” and I said, “Your face I will seek.” You promised if I seek You with all of my heart, I would find You. And I did. And You did. And I’m so thankful. But lately, it seems I’m groping in the dark, desperately reaching for Your hand.

I know You’re there — I have no doubt. But the trials have been intense and the darkness has tried to consume me. And fear … I am constantly fighting to keep fear at bay because I know You don’t want me to be afraid.

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My Faith Has Roots, Lord, But I Need Some Fertilizer

How great You are, O Lord! You are high and lifted up, exalted above all the earth. I am Yours and You are mine … forever. These things I know. These things I believe — my faith has roots. But, I sure could use some fertilizer.

You pour out Your grace abundantly, but recently it seems like I’ve needed more.

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Why Am I Despairing, Lord, If I Find My Hope in You?

Lord, You are Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, and my Prince of Peace. You are my everything. So why am I despairing if I find my hope in You? This battle …

This battle between flesh and spirit is hard. I stand firm on Your promises, I know Your Word is true, but when I allow my mind to wander and my focus to settle on the difficult places … well, despair slinks in.

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I Am Clay in Your Hands God, but the Process … Oy!

Lord, You are the Potter, I am clay in Your hands. You shape me and mold me into a vessel for Your glory, so it’s good … all good. There is purpose in the shaping, but mercy goodness! Sometimes the pressure is hard.

And yet … what a beautiful expression of Your love. You sanctify us — You shape us and mold us and refine us in the fire so that we might know You more, so that we will become holy as You are holy.

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Am I Complacent, Lord? Surely Not! Say It Ain’t So

Lord, You are my everything, my all-in-all. I love to tell Your story, to be an instrument of Your peace. But somedays, all of my focus turns back on myself and I don’t want to put forth the effort to walk this journey of faith. Am I complacent, Lord? Is this how You see me?

I don’t want to be complacent.

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Breathe on Me, Breath of God. Fill Me With Life Anew

Breathe on me, Breath of God — I need You so. Rekindle the flame, teach my heart to love You more. Replenish my soul.

I’m weary, Lord, but in You I find peace. Lead me to Your secret place where I find shelter from the difficulties of life. Where I can learn the mysteries of who You are.

You alone are my hope.

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When Evil Abounds, Hold My Hand, Lord

Lord, my heart is so troubled. Sorrow washes over me with an agony of heart. Groaning, too deep for words ascend to Your holy hill. When evil abounds, hold my hand, Lord. Wrap me in Your warm embrace of comfort.

As deep calls to deep, I call to You. I ask that the depth of my pain would meet the depth of Your love and I would find peace. I pray the same for everyone impacted by these recent shootings. I pray the same for our nation. Pour out Your grace. Wash over us with Your great love.

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I Have Hope, Lord, But Then There is This Doubt

Lord, I have found my hope in You — my hope of salvation, my hope of life everlasting, and hope for the needs of my heart. Yes, I have hope … most days. But sometimes, when the battle is fierce, I catch doubt sneaking around the corner.

I don’t want to be tossed about like a feather in the wind. I want to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in my faith and the hope I have placed in You.

Either I believe … or I don’t.

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