by Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor
I want to thank my faithful readers and visitors for your love and prayers. You are phenomenal in your encouragement, offering me strength for the journey.
I’m stepping away from the Christmas chaos, simplifying my life, and resting in the arms of my Savior for a couple of weeks. I need it desperately. I’ll be praying for you and thinking of you – I’m always thinking of my readers. **wink** You’re very precious to me.
Take a few moments while you’re here to worship along with Elevation Worship in the video below as they sing, “Jesus, I Come”. Peruse the archives for nuggets of gold the Lord has shared with me. These messages are all about opening our eyes to see the One who loves us, the One who promises to never leave nor forsake us. Sometimes we feel alone in our struggles, but I’ve learned that when I feel abandoned by the Lord, that’s when He’s the closest. What greater time to discover this Truth than through the sunrises and sunsets of the Christmas season.
Oh come let us adore Him!
May I pray for you?
Father, Your love is amazing. It reaches to the highest mountains and softly flows to the lowest valleys, cradling us with Your embrace. Thank You. We rejoice in You, Lord. My friends and I come before You asking that You would anoint us anew with Your joy, with a song in our hearts and a hardy laugh in our bellies. Set us on fire to serve You, Lord. Stir up the realization that You are with us always, holding our hands, carrying us when the journey is too difficult. I pray for those who are seeking Your Truth. Awaken their listening ear to recognize Your sweet whispers of affirmation and acceptance. I know You delight in revealing Yourself to Your children. Open the eyes of my friends to see You in their midst. Fill each of us with the wonder of Christmas. Immerse us in Your Holy Spirit and return to us the joy of our salvation. Lord, we welcome You into our lives. Take control. As we fall to our knees in worship we are struck by the awe of Who You are. Bless You Lord! We praise You for You alone are worthy of our praise. You are the One True God, our Deliverer, Our Savior and Prince of Peace. We love You Lord. Blessed be Your holy Name.
A Tweetable to Encourage Others
Are you seeking God’s Presence this Christmas? @NanJonesAuthor will encourage you. (Click To Tweet)
I will miss your posts but fully understand your need for rest and rejuvenation. I pray this will be a time of many blessings for you and your family. Love you 🙂
Thank you Marcie. I cherish your prayers. Love you!
You are making a wise choice. May Christ meet you and your family in this Christmas time, surround you with the glory of a His presence, and fill you with the always-new hope of His unfailing love! Bless you, my sweet friend!
Thank you Norma. How sweet of you. Thank you for your support – this was a tough decision, but I know it is of the Lord. Love you!