“Behold, I AM the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”
(Jeremiah 32:27)

When the prophet Jeremiah penned these words, Jerusalem was in utter chaos because of the rebellion of God’s chosen people. Once again, they had begun to worship idols, offer incense to Baal and had turned their backs on the One True God. Jeremiah was in their midst trying to get the people’s attention, entreating God for mercy and praying for understanding as the city came under siege by the Babylonians and Chaldeans.

In the midst of the calamity, the Lord told Jeremiah to buy a parcel of land. Jeremiah had a very obedient heart, but, in this case, he questioned God. Under the present circumstances of Jerusalem’s siege, he asked, “Why? Why buy some land?”

Because the Lord had a plan and nothing was too hard for Him.

Even though the Israelites’ rebellion angered the Lord, He remembered that He was in covenant with them and He told Jeremiah that He “will bring them all the good He has promised them.” The parcel of land Jeremiah was told to buy was part of God’s plan for deliverance and restoration. When victory came, God told Jeremiah that men would once again buy fields in the land of Benjamin, the places around Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah.

Why is this important? Because Jeremiah’s obedience set everything into motion. God asked him to do something seemingly ridiculous in the midst of a siege of his beloved Jerusalem. The instructions to buy land made no sense, but Jeremiah chose to obey and God began to turn the situation around.

God had a plan and nothing was too hard for Him.

Jeremiah represented righteousness in the midst of this sinful chaos. I wonder what would have happened if Jeremiah had said,”No, I can’t be hearing this right.” I believe God responded to Jeremiah’s desire to trust the Great I AM.

Are you facing something difficult? Is God asking you to step out in faith, blindly, and trust Him? He does that sometimes. Actually, He does it quite often. Jeremiah knew the God in Whom he believed, therefore he could trust. As you walk with God over time, you will begin to know the God in Whom YOU have believed. He desires to restore you, to stop the siege of the enemy. But He requires obedience. Take time to listen. It’s not so hard. It might seem strange at first, but know this: our Heavenly Father promises that His children will know His voice. Trust Him. Believe Him. Listen for His sweet voice and then walk in obedience.

Father, You ARE the Great I AM!! To know that nothing is too difficult for you is so comforting. Give us courage for this journey of obedience. It’s interesting…obedience bears the fruit of trust and trust bears the fruit of obedience. I choose to trust You, Lord. I choose obedience.