I considered our ancient grapevine as my thoughts drifted through the windowpane. The once supple, green leaves were now brown and crumbly, exposing the tangled tendrils of the vine.
As odd as it may seem, I saw contentment. Imagine that. I recognized contentment in the knowing-of-the-leaves that this was but for a season – their lives were in the vine. Although the time of growth and grapes and all things green had come to an end, the brown, crumbly leaves winked at the sun beating down on them. I didn’t see death; I saw life – life as God sees it, life that keeps on living because its source was found in the vine.
Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5).
This is the lesson I’m getting in my knower.
I’m also learning about fertilizer. Do you want to know what the best fertilizer is for the grapevine – the fertilizer that causes it to endure through all seasons and produce luscious fruit? The best fertilizer is contentment. Yes! Who knew?
I’m learning to find contentment in all things.
Paul wrote in his letter to the Church at Philippi:
I find it interesting that, in the past, I was prone to pull out the last verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I can imagine you’ve done that also. By all means, this is an extraordinarily powerful verse. But now, because of the winter season I’ve been living in for several months, my eyes have opened to view this Truth in a new light.
Being hungry is not easy. Living without is very humbling. Finding strength to face each day is exhausting. But….did you catch what I just said? “Finding strength…” Jesus is my strength. I have found Jesus anew. He is my life-source, my vine. Because of His magnificent love I can do all things – I can endure hunger. I can do without. There’s no need to worry about tomorrow. There’s no need to squander my energy living in fear. There’s no need because I have found HIS strength. Not rhetorically. I have found His strength because I have found His Presence.
Contentment. The best fertilizer for growth.
You’ll find it on aisle 7 in the grace department, right next to worship.
*Photo Credit: Roberto A. Sanchez
Father God, You are my everything – my all in all. Thank You. Thank You for opening my eyes to see this Truth. Help me to walk in it consistently, for its power is great. You have said that Godliness with contentment is great gain. Yes, Lord! You have shown me favor by revealing this mystery to me. Thank You. You amaze me with Your love.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page. I’m featuring Rita Springer singing, “All I Need”. This song will lift you into a few moments of worship. Wouldn’t it be nice to just close your eyes and enter into the Presence of the Lord? Join me, won’t you?
I love this one! Contentment …the best fertilizer….Amen!
Hey Mary Jane! I know…who knew? **grin** It's amazing what we can learn through trials, isn't it? Thank you so much for stopping by.
Interesting…I've read and appreciated both parts of that passage, but I have to admit, I'm not sure I've read and appreciated them together. Powerful. Thank you for sharing your journey and your encouragement with us.
Vonda, that's true for me too. I saw it in a completely new light. My soul leaps within me when that happens – God's Word is living. He gives us what we need when we need it. I love it when you stop by. Thank you.
Oh Nan! This is such a good post. I loved the fertilizer idea, and the finding it at the store. Such good idea-play. And being hungry and being without, on any level, makes me nervous. Like now, for us. But I know that I'll be ok, I have an amazing Father who will take care of our needs.
And, I now know where to find the grace department. Great!!
Blessings to you, my friend,
You little encourager you! Thanks Ceil.
Clean up on Isle 7…. An over flow of grace just spilled out here. Love this Nan.