The woman of faith spoke about coming to church early – in the wee hours, long before the congregation arrived. She wanted to be with the Lord. In quiet. In peaceful surround. Then she said something that seared through my spirit like a flaming arrow. She said, “The Lord was waiting for me.”

Think on that for a moment: “The Lord was waiting for me.”

Do we approach our quiet times with that thought? I know I’m learning to, but I also know I still seem to approach it with the idea that it’s me, myself, and I when I curl up in my quiet place. I mean, I realize I go there to seek the Lord, to study His Word, to pour out my heart to him. But.

But do I approach my quiet time with the realization that the Lord is waiting for me?

Do you?

Oh my goodness. That’s a life-changer, don’tcha think?

“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory.” ~ Psalm 63:1,2

So I looked for You in the sanctuary…

I think I’m going to be looking the next time I go seeking.

O Lord, open our eyes to see You. Awaken our hearts to understand Your love and Your desire to dwell richly – in relationship – with Your children. Open our ears to hear You bidding us come. We love You Father. You are an amazing God. Thank You for making a way to know You.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page to join in prayerful worship with Rita Springer as she sings “Like You Jesus”. I know it will be a blessing.