Scratchy static popped over the air waves. Garbled voices was all I could recognize as I wriggled and jiggled the radio dial. Just moments before, I was belting out “10,000 Reasons” with Matt Redman and then I hit a pothole along the dirt road by the river. The pothole came out of nowhere right as I was twisting the fine-tune thingy on the dial. The unexpected bump caused me to lose the station – just a little bit – but enough to reduce my moment of praise to several minutes of irritating static.
If only I had pulled over to adjust the radio, but instead I was watching the kayakers as I fiddled with the dial. Another happy distraction butted in as I talked to Blue hanging his head out the back window, panting his delight. And wouldn’t you know it? My cell phone started ringing in the midst of the radio finagling!
All I wanted was to sing this great praise song, but no! Distractions prevented me. I couldn’t find the station because I was in too much of a hurry to pull over and adjust the dial.
How often do we do this with God? We have our focus on Him, and then a bump in the road throws off our connection. We cannot hear His voice clearly – it becomes a bunch of garbled, scratchy static. Distractions prevent us from “pulling over” and concentrating on Him. How sad…
The Lord spoke through Isaiah, “Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you – the sure mercies of David” (Isaiah 55:3, NKJV).
I believe the Lord would say, “Come. Come unto Me all who are weary and I will give you rest. Are you thirsty? Come. I will fill you with fresh Living Water. Are you anxious and overwhelmed? Come. I will give you My peace. Are you afraid? Come. I will give you my perfect love to cast away the fear. But you must come. And sit. Quietly. No distractions. Incline your ear to me and listen to my gentle whispers of love for you, My child. Listen and your soul shall live.”
After great frustration and a little stubborness, I pulled over. Within seconds I had the correct station loud and clear. I turned up the volume just as Matt Redman was reaching the end, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul…” I sang with pure joy while Blue started crooning from the backseat.
I kid you not…my 100 pound hunk of love was singing praise to Jesus, too.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page to get your juices pumping as you join Matt Redman singing, “10,000 Reasons”. Have a blessed day and remember, “hurry keeps your heart earthbound” (Jesus Calling).
This is my favorite song and I listen to it over and over. I think I heard this song playing in the background when I called you yesterday. Oops, another distraction? 🙂 Thanks for the message this morning. I love ya.
"You so funny," she said in a manly voice :D. Yep, it was playing in the background because I was working on Morning Glory. But, you're not a distraction little Rose. I love you.
Nan! Oh! My! Word! I loved this today! As I was getting to do my devotion time this morning, my cell phone rang. As I was reading Morning Glory, my computer froze. Now, are those distractions or what? You're right-all He wants us to do is come to Him. Thank you for this timely message today. Love you sweet friend!
I know Jamie! Distractions come out of the woodwork when we try to get quiet before God. But recognizing that fact is the first step in overcoming. I'm thankful it blessed you today. Love you!
Nan, Love this life lesson about distractions. So glad Jesus is patient with us and welcomes us back after we refocus our praise. Thanks for sharing!
Amen Glenda! It's hard to listen to Him when there is a lot of background noise. His still, small voice gets drowned out. Thanks for stopping by. Bless you!
Thank u so very much for your message. It is very true especially in the fast paced world we live in now. Love that Blue sang along! Love u!
Hey darlin', I'm so glad you stopped by. Thank you for your sweet words. Hope things are going better for you. Blessings…