The warm water soothed my aching muscles. It washed over me in a deluge of refreshment, pooling at my feet, making me clean. I turned the faucet and, just as easily as the water had been released, it shut off instantly.
No more refreshment.
No more washing clean.
No more comfort.
The water was still there contained within its vessel – the pipe. But the water was now no longer serving its purpose. 
Not until I once again turned the faucet to release it.
I think the Holy Spirit is like this. He dwells within us, but unless we release Him to work in our lives He just remains quiet within.

“…For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” ~ Luke 17:21

Selah. Pause and think about it.

Father, Forgive us for trying to contain You rather than releasing Your power within our lives. Fall afresh on us, Lord. Cause us to overflow with Your love into a hurting world. Let faith arise in our hearts and praise pour forth from our lips. We love You Lord and stand amazed at Your faithfulness. You are an awesome God.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page to immerse your spirit in a beautiful prayer sung by Malcolm Fletcher and Sarah King. Please share with your friends. Sweet blessings to you!