The air felt sticky. Blazing hot. I rocked on the porch swing trying to cool off. My porch – my swing – seems to be a place I can find solitude with the Lord. As I rocked back and forth, He brought something to my attention: the air was still.

Yes, the air was still. It seemed as though the whole earth had ceased its striving. There was no breeze. No movement in the trees. A doe stepped out of the forest across the street, making her way to the creek, but mid-stride, she, too, stopped.

Everything was quiet.

I immediately thought of Psalm 46:10,  
“Be still and know that I AM God.”

Be still…”Yes, Lord. I’m listening. Open my ears to hear You. Open my eyes to see You,” I prayed.

Still. Quiet. Peace.

Then the symphony began. In the midst of the quiet came a song. Many songs. The birds of the air sang praise to their Creator. Birds of many colors sang in harmony, filling the air with acclamation of God’s glory.

It was beautiful. So beautiful.

Within moments, a rain shower fell from the heavens. It wasn’t a downpour – just a summer shower to replenish the earth. The air cooled. A slight breeze began to blow.

And the birds continued their song.

I have learned that when I make my stubborn self sit still – cease striving – and focus on the goodness of the Lord, it won’t be long until praise begins to rise in my soul. It isn’t long before His amazing grace begins to fall like rain to replenish my parched spirit. 

I sat still and listened. “Child, You are learning to walk in My Presence. You are learning to still your restless spirit and concentrate on Me – to focus on Me instead of your problems. That is good. Just as surely as your stillness comes, the praise will rise. And when the praise begins to rise, my grace will fall. It’s a cycle, a pattern, a law of Mine that always holds true. Always. Be still and know that I AM God and ready yourself for the praise and grace to follow. Every time. Without fail. I AM God. There is no other.”

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page. I’m featuring a music video with Rush of Fools singing “Peace Be Still”. The one who made the video used scripture throughout to encourage you in the Lord. Are you thirsty? Do you need to feast on God’s Word? Watch this video. It will fill you to overflowing with the goodness, the hope, and the promises of our amazing God. Bless you! Nan