“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.” ~ John 10:27-29
The heat was grueling. Sweat trickled down my forehead wetting my eyelashes, stinging my eyes. Audrey and I pulled the hoes through the rich soil moistened by the previous night’s shower. We sprinkled the kernels of corn down each row and gently covered them with a blanket of dirt…
Yes, the six long rows of succulent peaches and cream corn had to be replanted. Three days earlier crows had completely destroyed my crop by snatching each young plant out by the roots. Aurrghh!!!!
As Audrey and I worked, sleek miniature stealth bombers swooped into the nearby trees. Crows. The dreaded, greedy, gluttonous crows were back. Did I mention greedy? They perched on the branches cocking their heads to the left and then to the right watching us with evil intent. And then they began to laugh hysterically at us. Actually, they were cawing, but for the life of me, it sounded like waves of laughter mocking us for working hard to plant their next feast.
Well, you know what? The crows could mock us all they wanted because this time they would be defeated. This time I knew what to do. A farmer told me to run string a few inches above the corn rows. As the tender plants popped through the ground the crows would leave them alone. So…the little buzzards could laugh all day long if they wanted, but Audrey and I would have the last laugh.
Isn’t Satan like that? He mocks and jeers at us as we step out in faith to follow the Lord Jesus. He hovers in the shadows with his evil self and thinks he can devour the seeds of faith God has planted in our hearts. The Bible warns us of this, “Be self-controlled, watchful; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith…” (1 Peter 5:8,9).
God doesn’t throw us into the jaws of this roaring lion. Not only does He warn us, He also gives us the tools to defeat him – much like the string that now stands guard above my tender young corn. We are taught to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6). We are taught to speak the Word of God in the direct face of his lies (Matthew 4). And we are taught to proclaim the Name of Jesus – the Name above all names – as we pray for salvation, deliverance or rescue (Romans 10:13).
Satan may swoop in like a stealth bomber at times, but he is no match for the One who lives in us. So, let him laugh …we know the joke’s on him.
Father, You are the Mighty King, strong in battle, faithful to save and deliver. We trust You Lord. We run to You, our strong tower. Open the eyes of our hearts to understand that the battle really is Yours. We are hidden in You. The enemy cannot touch us. Oh sure, he can laugh at us and get us frustrated, but he cannot defeat us because we belong to You. Thank You Lord. Hallelujah! We give You praise!
Do you know someone fighting on the front lines of their faith? Perhaps this message will inspire them not to give up. Please feel free to share this with others and encourage them to subscribe to Morning Glory.
Thank you.
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Beautifully written, Nan, and so true. Thanks for sharing such a vivid visual. I'll never look at crows the same way!
LOL! I didn't mind sharing a few little plants, but the WHOLE CROP??? Thanks for your kind comments. Love you!
Oh Nan, this is such a vivid picture of how the enemy is. I can finally say that the joke's on him because he's defeated! And by the way, we had peaches and cream corn for lunch on Sunday! I'm with Vonda, I'll never look at crows the same way! Love you!
Peaches and cream corn is the BEST! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know your battle has been intense lately. I hope this inspired you to press on. Love you!
We don't have crows, but robins, who have/are eating all our blueberries and raspberries…even the green ones! So discouraging! This was a good word, Nan! Now if I could just find a farmer who could tell me how to keep the robins, bunnies, coons, etc out of my garden… 🙂 They are all like the little foxes, aren't they? I still walk down and thank the Lord for all He's given us…as all is not destroyed. 🙂
Mid, I can relate totally! I think a deer ate two of my peppers and I'm sure rabbits have been in my green beans :/ I asked the Lord to send warring angels to stand guard for me (seriously, I really did 🙂 ) The critters can have a little bit, just don't devour everything LOL! I love you Mid. You are very precious to me.
Great example. Enjoyed reading this one. So true. Blessings, Barb
Thank you Barb. I'm so glad you stopped by. Love you!
A dear friend taught me something this week. Satan does 3 things: kill, steal and destroy. Your crows are a prime example. Thanks for sharing your story. Love and hugs.
Hmmm…I think I know your friend :/ I love you little Rose.
I know I've already left a comment, but I just wanted to let the world know how much of a blessing you are! Agreeing with Christina, a dear friend has taught me that where the blood of Jesus is, satan has no power! Jesus is more powerful in me than the enemy can ever be! Thank you so much for such a vivid picture of how the enemy works. Love you my blooming rose!
Awww Jamie. Thank you sweetheart. I love you so much. I thank God in every remembrance of you. You are precious to me.