“Yet a man has risen to pursue you and seek your life, but the life of my lord (David) shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God; and the lives of your enemies He shall sling out, as from the pocket of a sling.”
(1 Samuel 25:29)
In David’s flight from Saul he encountered a booger of a man named Nabal. The scriptures describe him as “harsh and evil in his doings” (verse 3). Nabal was all about Nabal, but he had a godly wife named Abigail. It is Abigail’s voice we hear speaking in the above verse. She is making an intervention on behalf of David.
Abigail is addressing the issue at hand, but I would like for you to consider the enemies in your own life: insecurity, fear, anger, slander, job loss, disease, broken relationships. An enemy doesn’t have to have two arms and two legs. An enemy of the soul comes in many forms.
What does the Word of God say as David is facing his enemy? David will be “bound in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God”. I have learned that this is a metaphor taken from the ancient custom of binding up precious valuables in a bundle – like a bag – and then carrying them to prevent them being broken or stolen.
Can you see the picture? We are God’s special treasure, the apple of His eye. When we are threatened, imagine the passion of a Father’s love bundling us up as a safeguard to protect and preserve us. We are that special to Him. His love is fierce.
What happens to our enemies? “He shall sling out the lives of your enemies, as from the pocket of a sling.”
Enemies being slung out of our lives.
Far and away.
How about far, FAR and away?
I like that. I can see myself peering outside of my little bundle strapped on my Daddy’s side watching my enemies hurl through the air.
Father, You are so awesome! Thank You for loving us so. Thank You for preserving us and protecting us from our enemies as we surrender our lives to You. We are held in the palm of Your hand, safe in Your bundle of life-giving love. Praise You, Father.
Glorious thought…love the image…and I receive it all by faith!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, love, love you, Nan!!!
Mid, you were one of the "somebodies" I thought of when I wrote this. Love you!
This is glorious! I will share this with people who are going through trials.
You know, I'm wondering if you'd be interested in having a second morningglory blog with the text you post here translated into Spanish. The name could be "Gloria de mañana" or sth like that.
I need to finish a book I'm translating but as soon as I get that done I could start.