Against the backdrop of a dusty, dry desert, a grass-covered pasture graces the outskirts of Bethlehem. It’s known as Shepherd’s Field. Shepherds bring their flocks there to graze and lie down on the lush, tender grass — many shepherds and many flocks at the same time. It’s not hard for an observer to realize the strong heart connection each shepherd has with his sheep amid the noise.
Does a Heart Connection Make a Difference?
As the sun begins to inch toward the horizon at the closing of the day, each shepherd calls to his sheep. To the observer, there is a cacophony of voices traveling across the hillside. But to the sheep, they hear one voice — the voice of their own shepherd. The other voices are mere noise. The voice of their shepherd rises above the din, and they follow him back home.
The imagery melts my heart.

As I seek to know God’s will and to follow my Shepherd closely, I can press into this image and find understanding.
The sheep did not question which voice was their shepherd’s.
They knew him. They depended on him. There was a shared heart connection.
There was no need to pay attention to other voices.
I can remember as a young mother leaving my babies in the church nursery, especially my youngest. Separation anxiety for both of us was high, but especially for my baby girl. Without a doubt, many tears would fall as I left the room.
Occasionally, I would slip down the hallway and listen at the nursery door to make sure my baby girl was okay. There could be several babies crying at once, but I could always determine if Nancy was one of them.
I knew her voice and could pick it out of a group of crying babies just by listening.
OR I could listen and tell she was quiet and content and not one that was crying.
I knew my baby’s voice.
Our heart connection amplified the sound.

That’s the way it is with Jesus.
Jesus said, “To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” ~ John 10:3-5
A heart connection …
If I have a heart connection with Jesus — and I do — then I can trust I will recognize His voice above the din. I can trust that He will make His voice known to me because He is not a God of confusion, but a God of peace.
The enemy is the one that causes us to question whether or not we are hearing the Lord’s instruction as we seek His will.
Jesus will make His voice known to us.
He will confirm His spoken word through His written Word.
Plain and simple.
I Hear You, Lord
I picture myself lying down in a green pasture — my own Shepherd’s field — as the Lord says, “Come, Nan, and follow me.” I turn towards His voice, loud and clear above the din of other noisy voices in my head, and rise. Placing my foot in each of His footprints, I follow. I trust.
And I obey.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.
Sweet blessings to you,

Yes I love that God knows my voice and I know His!
Amen! It’s really quite miraculous and such an expression of His deep love.
This is so needed by me and so many others. Thank you for reminding us what our Savior’s voice sounds like and how to distinguish His from our own or others. 🙂
You’re so welcome. The world truly is a noisy place, isn’t it? Thank you for your kind words.
So beautiful and so true, Nan! I have been through a dark and difficult time, but have come out of t more certain than ever that He hears my voice. I hear His voice reminding me of His love and control.
The Refiner’s Fire … it clarifies our faith beautifully.