“Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, ‘Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ Then God said, ‘Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I tell you.'” ~ Genesis 22:1-2
Lord, I am so thankful for Your sovereignty — Your authority over all things concerning me, detours and all. You know my coming ins and my going outs. You know my thoughts from afar off. You lead me in the paths I should go.
You do all things well.
These things I know, Lord, but sometimes I need to be reminded of these truths every moment of every day. Sometimes I take my eyes off You, I let my thoughts wander into the netherlands, and despair tries to consume me — confusion, fear and doubt call to me from the darkness and I answer to them, instead of keeping my heart stayed on You.

You are faithful — this I know.
You are trustworthy — this I know.
And You are good — so good.
Had it not been for Your mercies new every morning, I would have been consumed by this detour I never saw coming.
But You are teaching me that Your ways are not my ways, Your thoughts are not my thoughts.
Your perspective is much higher than mine and allows You to see all things.
Your perspective is broad.
Your perspective is eternal.
And because of Your perspective, I can know that You will work all things out together for my good just as You said. I know this because I trust You.
This detour will bring You glory.

This detour will work righteousness into the depths of my being, deepening my faith and finding it more precious than gold. This detour will swallow up my enemies like the Red Sea swallowed up the Egyptians.
And this detour will cause my blind eyes to see You as never before because Your glory and power will be revealed.
Help me remember this when the way is hard — whisper Your declarations of promises over me so that I will not forget You hold me in the palm of Your hand wherever I go.
I love You, Lord. You are so faithful, well beyond what we deserve.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
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Sweet blessings to you,
Those pesky detours sure can make life miserable if we let them. Thank you for the heartfelt prayer today,