“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!”
(Lamentations 3:24)

The Lord is calling me to a deeper place.
I know that I am not alone in this, for many of you have shared the same with me.

This morning I sat in His Presence. As I prayed, I listened. The following is the whispered message I felt deep in my Spirit as I sat quietly before my Lord. When I realized that His still, small voice was speaking to ME I grabbed the pen and paper in front of me and began to record the encouragement my Father was speaking. I have decided to share this with you because I believe His Words will speak to those who, like me, are desiring more of Jesus – to those who desire a rich relationship with their God. I also believe it will encourage those who are facing an unknown future.

My Child,
Your hope is in Me, the Creator, the God above all gods. No other is like Me. I ride upon the heavens to help you. My eye searches the earth for those I might strengthen. Yes, your hope is in Me. I will never fail you; I will never forsake you – you are mine. My glories I will reveal. My Truth I will impart. You are my precious Child, my treasure. I hold You near to My heart, near to My love. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you with a response of love and care and surety. I order your steps. I guide you by the Light of My Word. Do not stray to the left nor to the right. No, keep your eyes on Me and I shall direct your paths. You are Mine. I desire your happiness, your joy. Give Me your burdens – they are much too heavy for you to bear. You feel so small and insignificant, but never forget, I AM with You and in Me all the earth has its being. I love you, My precious one. You are Mine and I am yours.

The Lord promises that we will know His voice. He doesn’t mean for it to be a mystery. Sit quietly before Him and allow His gentle Spirit to minister to you. Anything the Lord says will be confirmed in His Word.

Go ahead. Crawl up in your Daddy’s lap and listen to His beautiful voice.

Lord, Thank You for encouraging me this morning. Thank You for Your incredible love. You are precious, Father.