Anxiety leaves and peace returns when we fix our eyes on Jesus.
Lord, thank You for loving me. Thank You for Your abiding Presence that enfolds me when I’m overwhelmed. You comfort me when I’m sad and wash over me with waves of peace when anxiety torments me. I’m so grateful for Your tender care.
Help me focus on You, Lord — to see Your beautiful face, Your gentle eyes meeting mine. I’m safe there. I’m strong and courageous there because You remind me that I belong to You. Bless You Lord. My heart leaps with joy at the thought of Your great love.
I ask that You reveal Yourself to those who feel alone in their painful places. Open their eyes to see You Lord. Awaken their hearts to respond and receive Your love. Be merciful to them, Lord, and hide them beneath the shadow of Your wing until their calamities pass them by.
Hide me there also. We all need that tangible expression of Your protection, provision, and grace. We all need to know in our knowers that we are safe in Your arms — safe from the torments of the enemy, safe from the sin of a fallen world. You are our sure place. Thank You Lord.
We love You and give You praise.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you.
You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
Have you had a chance to read Faith Notes ~ Nan Jones: Hard Lessons of Finding Joy in My Wilderness
From time to time I am going to share some of my story with you on Faith Notes. I have lived through many painful experiences in my life where the Lord faithfully revealed Himself to me, but I had to learn to open my eyes to see Him and I had to learn to literally be still and remember that He is my God and I am His child. Hard lessons. Eternal lessons. Lessons for which I am grateful.
On this Faith Notes, I am sharing the very first time the Lord revealed Himself to me in an extraordinary way.
If you would like to share your testimony of finding the nearness of God in your darkest moments, please contact me at nan@nanjones.com. I want to feature folks from all walks of life. You don’t have to be a writer. I can edit your story for you. God is glorified when we use our pain to help others find comfort in Him.
The Lord is good and His faithfulness everlasting. Thank You Lord. You are my hiding place. 🙂