Others will recognize Christ in me only when I have love in my heart.

Passion flowed from his lips. Anguish. Desperation. Desire to evoke change.

Behind him throngs of multi-colored skin shouted. Some cried. Some clung to each other for courage as the amber glow of flames lit up the night sky while blasts of tear gas exploded and the harsh pops of firecrackers sprinkled more anger in the darkness of the city streets.

It’s Easy to Recognize Christ in Many

But this young man — he touched my heart.

I don’t know his name, but I recognized Christ in his eyes.

His ebony skin glistened with droplets of sweat as he poured out his heart to a reporter with listening ears. With eloquent speech, he spoke of generations of those fighting for racial equality.

To recognize Christ is to recognize love.

The baton had been passed to him now.

And he held it high with courage, and dignity, and great purpose. He held it high knowing that only God could bring peace — only God could bring change to the hearts and minds of people.

Only God.

And the Body of Christ acting as the hands and feet of Jesus bringing His redeeming love into a society wrought with anger, misunderstanding, arrogance, and darkness … so much darkness.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Could Others Recognize Christ in Me?

I, for one, choose love. I want others to recognize Christ in me.

It’s our turn to help carry the baton for racial equality.

It’s our turn to bind up the wounds of our black brothers and sisters, to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and no longer be silent.

It’s our turn.



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Sweet blessings to you,