Clinging to the cross is a great place to wait on God.

Clinging to the cross is a great place to wait on God.

Bless You Lord! You are high and lifted up, crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are Maker of heaven and earth, the bright and Morning Star. You are my God and I exalt Your holy Name.

Thank You for Your abiding presence. I don’t know what I would do without You, Lord. When I am overwhelmed, I find myself clinging to You. When I am afraid, I run to You and find safety. When I have no peace, I remember that You Yourself, are my peace, and You open my eyes to see You.

You are wonderful Lord.

I know many who are afflicted — who are clinging desperately to the Cross. You promise to deliver Your children out of all their distresses. I stand on Your Word for these, Your children. Remind them who they are to You — heirs to Your kingdom, the apple of Your eye, Your cherished child.

Cause Your Spirit to rise up within each of us, giving us the wings of an eagle to soar above the fray as we wait and place our hope in You.

You alone are our hope, our victory, our peace. You alone are worthy of our praise.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,



Please don’t carry your burden alone. I would be honored to pray for you.

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